Haskeline wrapper for GHCi-like REPL interfaces.
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Module documentation for
- System
- System.Console
Slightly higher level wrapper for creating GHCi-like REPL monads that are composable with normal MTL transformers. Mostly exists because I got tired of implementing the same interface for simple shells over and over and decided to canonize the giant pile of hacks that I use to make Haskeline work.
type Repl a = HaskelineT IO a
-- Evaluation : handle each line user inputs
cmd :: String -> Repl ()
cmd input = liftIO $ print input
-- Tab Completion: return a completion for partial words entered
completer :: Monad m => WordCompleter m
completer n = do
let names = ["kirk", "spock", "mccoy"]
return $ filter (isPrefixOf n) names
-- Commands
help :: [String] -> Repl ()
help args = liftIO $ print $ "Help: " ++ show args
say :: [String] -> Repl ()
say args = do
_ <- liftIO $ system $ "cowsay" ++ " " ++ (unwords args)
return ()
options :: [(String, [String] -> Repl ())]
options = [
("help", help) -- :help
, ("say", say) -- :say
ini :: Repl ()
ini = liftIO $ putStrLn "Welcome!"
repl :: IO ()
repl = evalRepl ">>> " cmd options (Word completer) ini
Trying it out:
$ runhaskell Simple.hs
# Or if in a sandbox: cabal exec runhaskell Simple.hs
>>> <TAB>
kirk spock mccoy
>>> k<TAB>
>>> spam
>>> :say Hello Haskell
< Hello Haskell >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Stateful Tab Completion
Quite often tab completion is dependent on the internal state of the Repl so we’d like to query state of the
interpreter for tab completions based on actions performed themselves within the Repl, this is modeleted
naturally as a monad transformer stack with StateT
on top of HaskelineT
type IState = Set.Set String
type Repl a = HaskelineT (StateT IState IO) a
-- Evaluation
cmd :: String -> Repl ()
cmd input = modify $ \s -> Set.insert input s
-- Completion
comp :: (Monad m, MonadState IState m) => WordCompleter m
comp n = do
ns <- get
return $ filter (isPrefixOf n) (Set.toList ns)
-- Commands
help :: [String] -> Repl ()
help args = liftIO $ print $ "Help!" ++ show args
puts :: [String] -> Repl ()
puts args = modify $ \s -> Set.union s (Set.fromList args)
opts :: [(String, [String] -> Repl ())]
opts = [
("help", help) -- :help
, ("puts", puts) -- :puts
ini :: Repl ()
ini = return ()
-- Tab completion inside of StateT
repl :: IO ()
repl = flip evalStateT Set.empty
$ evalRepl ">>> " cmd opts (Word comp) init
Prefix Completion
Just as GHCi will provide different tab completion for kind-level vs type-level symbols based on which prefix
the user has entered, we can also set up a provide this as a first-level construct using a Prefix
completer which takes care of the string matching behind the API.
type Repl a = HaskelineT IO a
-- Evaluation
cmd :: String -> Repl ()
cmd input = liftIO $ print input
-- Prefix tab completeter
defaultMatcher :: MonadIO m => [(String, CompletionFunc m)]
defaultMatcher = [
(":file" , fileCompleter)
, (":holiday" , listCompleter ["christmas", "thanksgiving", "festivus"])
-- Default tab completer
byWord :: Monad m => WordCompleter m
byWord n = do
let names = ["picard", "riker", "data", ":file", ":holiday"]
return $ filter (isPrefixOf n) names
files :: [String] -> Repl ()
files args = liftIO $ do
contents <- readFile (unwords args)
putStrLn contents
holidays :: [String] -> Repl ()
holidays [] = liftIO $ putStrLn "Enter a holiday."
holidays xs = liftIO $ do
putStrLn $ "Happy " ++ unwords xs ++ "!"
opts :: [(String, [String] -> Repl ())]
opts = [
("file", files)
, ("holiday", holidays)
init :: Repl ()
init = return ()
repl :: IO ()
repl = evalRepl ">> " cmd opts (Prefix (wordCompleter byWord) defaultMatcher) init
Trying it out:
$ runhaskell Main.hs
>>> :file <TAB>
sample1.txt sample2.txt
>>> :file sample1.txt
>>> :holiday <TAB>
christmas thanksgiving festivus
$ cabal install repline
Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Stephen Diehl Released under the MIT License