
Access cabal-install's Hackage database via Data.Map


Version on this page:2.1.0@rev:1
LTS Haskell 23.5:2.1.3
Stackage Nightly 2025-01-19:2.1.3
Latest on Hackage:2.1.3

See all snapshots hackage-db appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Peter Simons, Alexander Altman, Ben James
Maintained by Peter Simons
This version can be pinned in stack with:hackage-db-2.1.0@sha256:1e22e4c3fa415c5f3f32be20730e1350af1d6804ffd400476373e2da912a7dc0,2892

This library provides convenient access to the local copy of the Hackage database that "cabal update" creates. Check out https://github.com/peti/hackage-db/tree/master/example/ for a collection of simple example programs that demonstrate how to use this code.