
Generate HLedger Price Directives From Daily Stock Quotes.


Version on this page:
LTS Haskell 23.4:
Stackage Nightly 2025-01-12:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots hledger-stockquotes appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Pavan Rikhi
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:hledger-stockquotes-,3151

Module documentation for


hledger-stockquotes Build Status

hledger-stockquotes is a CLI addon for hledger that reads a journal file and pulls the historical prices for commodities from AlphaVantage. To use this application, you’ll need a free AlphaVantage API key.


This application is still in early development, so you’ll need to clone this repository first:

git clone https://github.com/prikhi/hledger-stockquotes.git
cd hledger-stockquotes

Then you can run the application:

stack run -- --help

Use the -a flag to pass in your API key and optionally pass the path to your journal file:

stack run -- -a API_KEY -f accounting.journal

If you omit the -f flag, the journal file will fallback to the value of the LEDGER_FILE environmental variable. If LEDGER_FILE is undefined, a fallback of ~/.hledger.journal will be used.

You can omit the -a flag by setting the ALPHAVANTAGE_KEY environmental variable.

The output file defaults to prices.journal. You can customize this with the -o flag. Note that the contents of the output file will be overwritten if the file already exists.

By default, the application will limit itself to 5 API requests a minute, as specified by the AlphaVantage documentation. You can override this by using the -n flag. You can have the application print the dates and commodities it will fetch by passing the --dry-run flag.

Manual Builds

You can build the project with stack: stack build

For development, you can enable fast builds with file-watching, documentation-building, & test-running: stack test --haddock --fast --file-watch

To build & open the documentation, run stack haddock --open hledger-stockquotes

To install the executable to ~/.local/bin, run stack install.






  • Initial release