Dependency on vector-th-unbox is dropped. All instances are written by
hand now.
Changes in
New implementation for logGamma. Now it’s precise within 2 ulps at full
range including zeros at 1 and 2.
Bug with precision loss of invErf for parameters near zero is fixed.
Fixed loss of precision in bundled erf near zero. (Affect primarily GHCJS)
factorial for now uses lookup table
logFactorial is optimized a bit (less number of terms is used)
m_sqrt_eps constant added.
Module Numeric.SpecFunctions.Internal is exposed.
Many improvements for test suite. Tables of expected function values are
generated with mpmath, error estimates improved. Test suite itself is
migrated to tasty from test-framework.
Changes in
Fixes build on windows for GHC<8.0
Changes in
GHCJS is now supported
Flag system-expm1 is set to true by default. Only affects GHC<8.0
Changes in
Exported data types for iteration steps in root finding
Defaults for root finding algorithm are documented
Changes in
Fix license field in cabal file
Changes in
Semigroup and Monoid instances added for data types from Numeric.Sum
API for finding roots of real functions reworked. 1) All algorithm
parameters are now tweakable. 2) Functions for getting list of iterations
Foldable and Traversable instances for Root were added.
Changes in
log1p and expm1 are simply reexported from GHC.Float. They’re methods
of Floating type class.
On windows expm1 is implemented in pure haskell for older GHCs.
Changes in
Bug fixes and documentation tweaks
Changes in
logGamma now uses Lancsoz approximation and same as logGammaL. Old
implementation of logGamma moved to Numeric.SpecFunctions.Extra.logGammaAS245.
Precision of logGamma for z<1 improved.
New much more precise implementation for incompleteGamma
Dependency on erf package dropped. erf and erfc just do direct calls
to C.
Numeric.SpecFunctions.expm1 added
Numeric.SpecFunctions.log1pmx added.
logGammaCorrection exported in Numeric.SpecFunctions.Extra.
Module Numeric.Series added for working with infinite sequences, series
summation and evaluation of continued fractions.
Module statistics: Statistics.Math.RootFinding copied to
Numeric.RootFinding. Instances for binary and aeson dropped.
Root-finding using Newton-Raphson added
Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison.ulpDelta added. It calculates signed
distance between two doubles.
Other bug fixes.
Changes in
Module statistics: Statistics.Function.Comparison moved to
Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison. Old implementation if within compared
negative numbers incorrectly.
addUlps and ulpDistance added to Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison.
relativeError and eqRelErr added to Numeric.MathFunctions.Comparison.
Precision of logFactorial is slightly improved.
Changes in
logChoose added for calculation of logarithm of binomial coefficient
chooseExact and logChooseFast added
sinc added
Changes in
Fix for test suite on 32bit platform
Changes in 0.1.5
Numeric.Sum: new module adds accurate floating point summation.
Changes in 0.1.4
logFactorial type is genberalized. It accepts any Integral type
Evaluation of polynomials using Horner’s method where coefficients
are store in lists added
Changes in 0.1.3
Error function and its inverse added.
Digamma function added
Evaluation of polynomials using Horner’s method added.