
Tasty-kat provides support for
KAT (Known Answer Tests) testing. KAT files provides input and output tests
for some functions for example, for testing the following function:
r == a + b
A KAT file could be:
[2 digits addition]
a = 10
b = 20
r = 30
a = 11
b = 21
r = 32
This is somewhat similar to the tasty-golden
package, but instead of generating files and comparing output file to a golden file,
tasty-kat loads input and output in test vectors and run specific function on it.
Documentation: tasty-kat on hackage
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.KAT
main = do
kat <- testKatLoad "path/to/KAT" katLoaderSimple
defaultMain [ testKatDetailed "kat-name" kat testKat ]
where testAddition group kvs =
case sequence $ map (flip lookup kvs) ["a","b","r"] of
Nothing -> error "invalid vector"
Just [a,b,r] -> let a = read as :: Int
b = read bs :: Int
r = read rs :: Int
in return (a + b == r)
The detail output with ‘testKatDetailed’ looks like:
1: OK
2: OK
1: OK
1: OK
1: OK
2: OK
The grouped output with ‘testKatGrouped’ looks like:
add: OK
2 tests succeed
sub: OK
1 tests succeed
add: OK
1 tests succeed
base64: OK
2 tests succeed