
“You know they’ll never really die while the Trunk is alive.”
is a middleware that inserts an arbitrary
header into every Wai response. From
GNU Terry Pratchett:
In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, the clacks are a series of semaphore
towers loosely based on the concept of the telegraph. Invented by an
artificer named Robert Dearheart, the towers could send messages “at the
speed of light” using standardized codes. Three of these codes are of
particular import:
- G: send the message on
- N: do not log the message
- U: turn the message around at the end of the line and send it back again
When Dearheart’s son John died due to an accident while working on a clacks
tower, Dearheart inserted John’s name into the overhead of the clacks with a
“GNU” in front of it as a way to memorialize his son forever (or for at least
as long as the clacks are standing.)
Keeping the legacy of Sir Terry Pratchett alive forever. For as long as his
name is still passed along the Clacks, Death can’t have him.
To use this package to keep the legacy of Terry Pratchett alive, simply pass
your wai application to clacks gnuTerryPratchett
before passing it to the
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Clacks (clacks, gnuTerryPratchett)
import MyLib.App (myApp)
main :: IO ()
main = run 8080 $ clacks gnuTerryPratchett myApp
You can use the Clacks
type to build a custom configuration for the clacks
function, allowing you to pass anything into the header:
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Network.Wai (Middleware)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Clacks (Clacks(..), clacks)
myClacks :: Middleware
myClacks = clacks $ Clacks $ "GNU Ada Lovelace" :| ["GNU Hoban Washburne", "GNU Shephard Book"]
You can build the project with stack:
stack build
For development, you can enable fast builds with file-watching,
documentation-building, & test-running:
stack test --haddock --fast --file-watch --pedantic
To build & open the documentation, run
stack haddock --open wai-middleware-clacks