
Haskell OAuth2 authentication client


Version on this page:1.16.2
LTS Haskell 22.30:2.10.0
Stackage Nightly 2024-07-26:2.14.0
Latest on Hackage:2.14.0

See all snapshots hoauth2 appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Haisheng Wu
Maintained by Haisheng Wu
This version can be pinned in stack with:hoauth2-1.16.2@sha256:6c23cfc27a9d726cbbe9896ac6589629360bdb20575ceb800eb0e6b30aef061e,5542

Build Status Hackage


A lightweight OAuth2 Haskell binding.

Build the sample App

  • Make sure ghc-8.10 and cabal-3.x installed.
  • make create-keys
  • check the example/Keys.hs to make sure it’s config correctly for the IdP you’re going to test. (client id, client secret, oauth Urls etc)
  • make build
  • make start-demo
  • open http://localhost:9988


  • assume cabal-install has been install (either globally or in nix store)
  • nix-shell then could do cabal v2- build
  • or nix-build


Feel free send pull request or submit issue ticket.