BSD-3-Clause licensed by Emily Pillmore
Maintained by Emily Pillmore
This version can be pinned in stack with:base64-lens-0.3.1@sha256:269c3c552c97046f47ef8ae5cb6df86b8868445c2f5d829fa383fb3a2f541aa1,1347

Module documentation for 0.3.1


Build Status Hackage

This package provides optics and convenient pattern synonyms for the base64 library.


Revision history for base64-lens


  • Add lazy and short text and bytestring optics
  • Add safe/trustworthy pragmas
  • Migrate to Github CI
  • Update nix derivation


  • Instead of focusing on the Base64Lenient Iso as a Lens (which swaps its focus compared to its sibling Prisms), change it to be symmetrical with the other Prisms so that it can be used as a generalized Prism.


  • Bump base64 dependency to settle on 0.4 with the “finalized” api.
  • Remove _Base64Unpadded prism and Base64Unpadded patterns from ByteString and Text
  • Kill all CPP

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.