
A parser and writer for the HTTP Link header per RFC 5988

Version on this page:1.2.0
LTS Haskell 22.34:1.2.1@rev:3
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-15:1.2.1@rev:3
Latest on Hackage:1.2.1@rev:3

See all snapshots http-link-header appears in

LicenseRef-PublicDomain licensed by Greg V
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:http-link-header-1.2.0@sha256:f3dbd2a1028123b80da9561a344ffb33cdc58dc72043069e15ab0efeac58640f,2873

Module documentation for 1.2.0

http-link-header Hackage Build Status Coverage Status unlicense

A Haskell library than implements a parser and a writer for the HTTP Link header as specified in RFC 5988 “Web Linking”.


import Network.HTTP.Link
import Network.URI
import Data.Maybe

----- Writing
writeLinkHeader [ Link (fromJust $ parseURI "") [(Rel, "next"), (Title, "hello world")]
                , Link (fromJust $ parseURI "https://yolo.tld") [(Rel, "license")] ]
-- "<>; rel=\"next\"; title=\"hello world\", <https://yolo.tld>; rel=\"license\""

----- Parsing
parseLinkHeader "<>; rel=\"next\", <>; rel=prev"
-- Just [ Link [(Rel, "next")]
--      , Link [(Rel, "prev")] ]


Use stack to build.
Use ghci to run tests quickly with :test (see the .ghci file).

$ stack build

$ stack test && rm tests.tix

$ stack bench

$ stack ghci --ghc-options="-fno-hpc"


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