Library allow to work with arbitrary product types in generic
manner. They could be constructed, destucted, converted provided
they are product of identical types.
Changes in
foldMap, foldMapF, foldMapNatF is added
GHC 9.0.1 compatibility
Changes in
Type class TyLookup and tyLookup & tyLookupF added for lookup up field
by its type.
:&&: type class for composing constraints added
Data.Vector.HFixed.fold removed since it was completely unusable
index and set from Data.Vector.HFixed use GHC’s Nats for indexing
Documentation improvements and doctests test suite
Changes in
GHC8.4 compatibility release. Semigroup instance is added for HVec
Classes Arity, ArityC, and HVectorF are now polykinded
Changes in
Major rework of API. Fun and TFun are unified. Fun ~ TFun Identity.
Type class ArityC now contain special variants of accum and
arity instead of building data structure containing all necessary dictionaries.
Monad constraints now relaxed to Applicative where appropriate
Most functions now have 3 variants: typeclass-based for HVector,
typeclass-based for HVectorF and ones that use natural transformations for
HVectorF. Some have been renamed to get consistent naming.
Support for GHC 7.10 is dropped
HVecF definition is moved to Data.Vector.HFixed.HVec