
Batteries-included Structured Logging library

Version on this page:
LTS Haskell 23.7:
Stackage Nightly 2025-02-08:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots Blammo appears in

MIT licensed
Maintained by Freckle Education
This version can be pinned in stack with:Blammo-,4045


Blammo is a Structured Logging library that’s

  • Easy to use: one import and go!
  • Easy to configure: environment variable parsing out of the box!
  • Easy to integrate: see below for Amazonka, Yesod, and more!
  • Produces beautiful, colorful output in development
  • Produces fast-fast JSON in production

All built on the well-known MonadLogger interface and using an efficient fast-logger implementation.

It’s better than bad, it’s good!

Simple Usage

import Blammo.Logging.Simple

Throughout your application, you should write against the ubiquitous MonadLogger interface:

action1 :: MonadLogger m => m ()
action1 = do
  logInfo "This is a message sans details"

And make use of monad-logger-aeson for structured details:

data MyError = MyError
  { code :: Int
  , messages :: [Text]
  deriving stock Generic
  deriving anyclass ToJSON

action2 :: MonadLogger m => m ()
action2 = do
  logError $ "Something went wrong" :# ["error" .= MyError 100 ["x", "y"]]
  logDebug "This won't be seen in default settings"

When you run your transformer stack, wrap it in runLoggerLoggingT providing any value with a HasLogger instance (such as your main App). The Logger type itself has such an instance, and we provide runSimpleLoggingT for the simplest case: it creates one configured via environment variables and then calls runLoggerLoggingT with it.

You can use withThreadContext (from monad-logger-aeson) to add details that will appear in all the logged messages within that scope. Placing one of these at the very top-level adds details to all logged messages.

runner :: LoggingT IO a -> IO a
runner = runSimpleLoggingT . withThreadContext ["app" .= ("example" :: Text)]

main :: IO ()
main = runner $ do

The defaults are good for CLI applications, producing colorful output (if connected to a terminal device) suitable for a human:

Under the hood, Logging.Settings.Env is using envparse to configure logging through environment variables. See that module for full details. One thing we can adjust is LOG_LEVEL:

In production, you will probably want to set LOG_FORMAT=json and ship logs to some aggregator like Datadog or Mezmo (formerly LogDNA):

Multiline Format

With the terminal formatter, a log message that is more than 120 visible characters will break into multi-line format:

This breakpoint can be controlled with LOG_BREAKPOINT. Set an unreasonably large number to disable this feature.

Out of Order Messages

Blammo is built on fast-logger, which offers concurrent logging through multiple buffers. By default, it uses {number-of-processors} buffers. This concurrent logging is fast, but may deliver messages out of order. You want this on production: your aggregator should be inspecting the message’s time-stamp to re-order as necessary on the other side. However, this can be problematic in a CLI, where there is both little need for such high performance and a lower tolerance for the confusion of out of order messages.

For such cases, you can set LOG_CONCURRENCY=1 to use a single buffer.


Setting Setter Environment variable and format
Level(s) setLogSettingsLevels LOG_LEVEL=<level>[,<source:level>,...]
Destination setLogSettingsDestination LOG_DESTINATION=stdout|stderr|@<path>
Color setLogSettingsColor LOG_COLOR=auto|always|never
Breakpoint setLogSettingsBreakpoint LOG_BREAKPOINT=<number>
Concurrency setLogSettingsConcurrency LOG_CONCURRENCY=<number>

Advanced Usage

Add our environment variable parser to your own,

data AppSettings = AppSettings
  { appDryRun :: Bool
  , appLogSettings :: LogSettings
  , -- ...

loadAppSettings :: IO AppSettings
loadAppSettings = Env.parse id $ AppSettings
  <$> var switch "DRY_RUN" mempty
  <*> LogSettingsEnv.parser
  <*> -- ...

Load a Logger into your App type and define HasLogger,

data App = App
  { appSettings :: AppSettings
  , appLogger :: Logger
  , -- ...

instance HasLogger App where
  loggerL = lens appLogger $ \x y -> x { appLogger = y }

loadApp :: IO App
loadApp = do
  appSettings <- loadAppSettings
  appLogger <- newLogger $ appLogSettings appSettings
  -- ...
  pure App {..}

Use runLoggerLoggingT,

runAppT :: App -> ReaderT App (LoggingT IO) a -> IO a
runAppT app f = runLoggerLoggingT app $ runReaderT f app

Integration with RIO

data App = App
  { appLogFunc :: LogFunc
  , -- ...

instance HasLogFuncApp where
  logFuncL = lens appLogFunc $ \x y -> x { logFunc = y }

runApp :: MonadIO m => RIO App a -> m a
runApp f = runSimpleLoggingT $ do
  loggerIO <- askLoggerIO

    logFunc = mkLogFunc $ \cs source level msg -> loggerIO
      (callStackLoc cs)
      (fromRIOLevel level)
      (getUtf8Builder msg)

  app <- App logFunc
    <$> -- ...
    <*> -- ...

  runRIO app $ f

callStackLoc :: CallStack -> Loc
callStackLoc = undefined

fromRIOLevel :: RIO.LogLevel -> LogLevel
fromRIOLevel = undefined

Integration with Amazonka

data App = App
  { appLogger :: Logger
  , appAWS :: AWS.Env

instance HasLogger App where
  -- ...

runApp :: ReaderT App (LoggingT IO) a -> IO a
runApp f = do
  logger <- newLogger defaultLogSettings
  app <- App logger <$> runLoggerLoggingT logger awsDiscover
  runLoggerLoggingT app $ runReaderT f app

awsDiscover :: (MonadIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => m AWS.Env
awsDiscover = do
  loggerIO <- askLoggerIO
  env <- liftIO $ AWS.newEnv
  pure $ env
    { AWS.envLogger = \level msg -> do
        defaultLoc -- TODO: there may be a way to get a CallStack/Loc
        (case level of
          AWS.Info -> LevelInfo
          AWS.Error -> LevelError
          AWS.Debug -> LevelDebug
          AWS.Trace -> LevelOther "trace"
        (toLogStr msg)

Integration with WAI

import Network.Wai.Middleware.Logging

instance HasLogger App where
  -- ...

waiMiddleware :: App -> Middleware
waiMiddleware app =
  addThreadContext ["app" .= ("my-app" :: Text)]
    $ requestLogger app
    $ defaultMiddlewaresNoLogging

Integration with Warp

instance HasLogger App where
  -- ...

warpSettings :: App -> Settings
warpSettings app = setOnException onEx $ defaultSettings
  onEx _req ex =
    when (defaultShouldDisplayException ex)
      $ runLoggerLoggingT app
      $ logError
      $ "Warp exception"
      :# ["exception" .= displayException ex]

Integration with Yesod

instance HasLogger App where
  -- ...

instance Yesod App where
  -- ...

  messageLoggerSource app _logger loc source level msg =
    runLoggerLoggingT app $ monadLoggerLog loc source level msg





  • Add getLogSettingsConcurrency
  • Add getLoggerShouldColor
  • Add pushLoggerStr & pushLoggerStrLn
  • Add getLoggerLogSettings


  • Terminal formatter: align attributes vertically if the message goes over a certain number of characters (default 120).
  • Adds {get,set}LogSettingsBreakpoint and LOG_BREAKPOINT parsing


  • Add flushLogger
  • Ensure log is flushed even on exceptions.


  • Add Env.{parse,parser}With functions for parsing ‘LogSettings’ from environment variables with custom defaults.


  • Fix for localhost clientIp value in requestLogger (#18)


  • Support down to LTS 12.26 / GHC 8.4


  • Add configurability to requestLogger, set LogSource by default
  • Add ability to capture and retrieve logged messages, for testing


  • Add addThreadContextFromRequest, a wai Middleware for adding context using information from the Request.


  • Relax lower bounds, support GHC 8.8


First tagged release.