BSD-3-Clause licensed by Michel Boucey
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:NanoID-3.2.1@sha256:edba8b7133e4306df4e90b1d757a94ffe9880e6e66eb1050ec315b483ecf5ae3,1627

Module documentation for 3.2.1

NanoID generator, library and CLI tool CI

[user@box ~] $ nanoid -h
nanoid v3.2.0, (c) Michel Boucey 2022

Usage: nanoid [-a|--alphabet ARG] [-l|--length ARG] [-q|--quantity ARG] 
  NanoID generator

Available options:
  -a,--alphabet ARG        Use an alternative alphabet (ascii chars only)
  -l,--length ARG          Get a shorter NanoID (Default length is 21 chars)
  -q,--quantity ARG        Quantity of NanoID to generate
  -n,--newline             Do not output the trailing newline
  -h,--help                Show this help text