text-show-instances is a supplemental library to text-show that provides additional Show instances for data types in common Haskell libraries and GHC dependencies that are not encompassed by text-show. Currently, text-show-instances covers these libraries:
One can use these instances by importing TextShow.Instances. Alternatively, there are monomorphic versions of the showb function available in the other submodules of TextShow.
3.9.4 [2022.12.30]
Allow building with aeson-2.1.*.
3.9.3 [2022.12.28]
Add TextShow instances for Value and Key from aeson.
Drop support for GHC 7.8 and 7.10.
3.9.2 [2022.10.05]
Require text-show-3.10 or later in the test suite.
3.9.1 [2022.07.28]
Add a TextShow instance for UUID from uuid-types.
3.9 [2022.05.28]
Remove instances for ErrorT and ListT, which had long been deprecated and
were finally removed from the transformers library in version
3.8.6 [2021.11.21]
Add a TextShow instance for Scientific from the scientific package.
Require quickcheck-instances-0.3.27 or later in the test suite.
3.8.5 [2021.10.31]
Allow building with GHC 9.2.
Require quickcheck-instances-0.3.26 or later in the test suite.
3.8.4 [2020.10.03]
Allow building with template-haskell- (GHC 9.0).
3.8.3 [2019.11.08]
Make the TextShow1 and TextShow2 instances for Fix and Join in
TextShow.Data.Bifunctor match the behavior the corresponding Show1 and
Show2 instances in bifunctors.
3.8.2 [2019.09.03]
Make the test suite compile on GHC 8.8.1.
3.8.1 [2019.06.03]
Require quickcheck-instances-0.3.21 or later.
3.8 [2019.05.02]
Support GHC 8.8.
Add a TextShow instance for ShortText (from the text-short package) in
Drop support for base-4.5 and base-4.6 (GHC 7.4 and 7.6, respectively).
liftShowbTaggedPrec is no longer exported from TextShow.Data.Tagged. Use
Tagged’s TextShow1 instance instead.
showbVectorGenericPrec and liftShowbVectorGenericPrec are no longer
exported from TextShow.Data.Vector. Use the various TextShow(1) instances
defined in TextShow.Data.Vector instead.
Require vector-0.12 or later.
3.7 [2018.10.07]
Remove hoopl dependency. Instances are no longer provided for data types
in the hoopl library.
Depend on QuickCheck-2.12 or later.
Depend on quickcheck-instances-0.3.19 or later.
3.6.5 [2018.07.03]
Fix the tests on GHC 8.6.
3.6.4 [2018.04.07]
Use base-compat-batteries.
3.6.3 [2018.03.15]
GHC 8.4 fixes
3.6.2 [2017.06.18]
Require QuickCheck-2.10/quickcheck-instances-0.3.16 or later
time: UniversalTime (from Data.Time.Clock) and SystemTime (from Data.Time.Clock.System with time-1.8 or later)
Win32: Lots of datatypes added in Win32-
Remove most monomorphic TextShow functions, as their utility is questionable, and their maintenance burden is undeniable
Made the instances in TextShow.Data.Bifunctor poly-kinded when possible
Fix testsuite compilation on older GHCs
3.5 [2017.01.07]
Add TextShow(1) instances for Data.Graph.SCC
TextShow.Instances no longer reexports the entirety of TextShow. Doing so meant that text-show-instances would be burdened with bumping its major version number every time that text-show made an API change in TextShow in order to follow the PVP.
Remove TextShow.GHC.PackageDb module
Refactor test suite
Require text-show-3.4 or later
Update testsuite to be buildable with text-show-3.4
Add the TextShow.GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type and TextShow.GHC.PackageDb modules, which define instances if using ghc-boot
Add TextShow instances for NameFlavour, NameSpace, PatSynArgs, and PatSynDir in TextShow.Language.Haskell.TH
Require text-show-3.3 or later, which has slightly different TH derivation behavior. As a result, the context for the TextShow1 instance for Clown in TextShow.Data.Bifunctor had to be changed slightly.
Allow building with QuickCheck-2.9
Fix GHC HEAD build
Fix build with GHC 8.0
Add TextShow instance for Overlap in TextShow.Language.Haskell.TH
Allow build with text-show-3.2
Require quickcheck-instances >= 0.3.12 in test suite due to presence of new orphan Arbitrary instances for vector datatypes
GHC 8.0 support
Rename functions that previously ended with the suffix -With to instead have the prefix lift-, consistent with text-show-3
Removed the TextShow.Data.Semigroup and TextShow.Data.List.NonEmpty modules, as they have been moved to text-show-3 (as part of moving Semigroup into base)
Removed the functions for Compose, Product, and Sum in TextShow.Data.Functor.Trans, as they have been moved to text-show-3 (as part of moving them to base)
Add TextShow/TextShow1 instances for Fix and Sum in TextShow.Data.Bifunctor
Add TextShow/TextShow1 instances for the datatypes in Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated (introduced in @pretty-
Add TextShow instances for the new datatypes in @template-haskell-
Reexport the TextShow classes and module from TextShow.Instances. This helps Haddock readers discover what new instances are added with text-show-instances.
Make Tagged instances poly-kinded
Allow building with vector-0.11 and above. Be aware that the Show instances for Vector types in vector-0.11.0 are different from other versions of vector.
Changed the top-level module name from Text.Show.Text to TextShow, since the former was extremely verbose without much benefit. As a result, this will break all existing code that depends on text-show-instances.
Allow building with text-show-1. Also changed the monomorphic functions to match the naming conventions introduced in text-show-1.
Added instances for the bifunctors library
Removed utf8-string instance, since it wasn’t as useful as I had imagined
Revamped test suite
Allow building with text-show-0.8
Modules which were previously exported only if using a recent-enough version of GHC/base (e.g., Text.Show.Text.System.Win32) are now always exposed. If the functionality that the module provides is not available on a given version of GHC/base, the module will not expose anything.
Change test-suite to use hspec, allowing for it to be built on GHC 7.0 and 7.2
Fixed tests on Windows
Added showbArgPrec (and corresponding Show and Show1 instances) to Text.Show.Text.Data.Semigroup
Added Show1 instances for data types in Text.Show.Text.Data.List.NonEmpty and Text.Show.Text.Data.Semigroup
Added showbDoc (and corresponding Show instance) to Text.Show.Text.Language.Haskell.TH
Renamed showbDoc in Text.Show.Text.Text.PrettyPrint to renderB
Exposed showbKindPrec and showbPredPrec with later versions of Template Haskell
Added renderStyleB to Text.Show.Text.Text.PrettyPrint (for time-1.5 and later)
Added showbTimeLocalePrec to Text.Show.Text.Data.Time
Added instances for the binary, haskeline, hoopl, terminfo, and utf8-string libraries