View the gradients of adversity as the colors that paint your story, and the
power of experience as what makes you a great teacher, creator, philosopher,
entrepreneur, artist, and human. Everything works out eventually.
Jennifer Sodini
type-errors is a collection of tools for writing better, more ergonomic, type
errors. Some of the more interesting features are the ability to observe
stuckedness and phantomness, as well as perform substitutions over types.
This project wouldn’t be possible without the help of two amazing people:
kcsongor who came up with the original
technology behind this library.
Lysxia for articulating the approach to making
IfStuck work for things of all kinds, and for helping me with the
substitution machinery.
Changelog for type-errors (2022-11-24)
Bumped version bounds (2019-07-03)
Breaking Changes
The UnlessPhantom and various Subst type families were broken in the
presence of stuckness. This rendered them almost entirely unusable — so
they now have a new implementation in terms of te.
Added te, a TemplateHaskell splice, which will perform symbolic
substitutions over types. See haddock for the migration details.