Relaxed upper bounds, allowing hslua-core-2.2.0 and
Released 2022-01-29.
Updated to hslua-core 2.1 and hslua-marshalling 2.1.
The Peekable class has been remodeled:
Peekable now contains safepeek, which is a Peeker
function for the type.
peek is no longer part of Peekable, but a normal
function defined as forcePeek . safepeek.
HsLua.Class no longer exports peekList and
peekKeyValuePairs. Use the functions from HsLua.Marshalling
The Exposable class is changed to use the Peek monad
instead of LuaE, thereby unifying the way errors are
reported in HsLua.
PeekError has been removed; it is now sufficient for
exception types used with Peekable, Exposable, and Invokable
to be instances of LuaError.
The Invokable type class now has a single parameter. This
removes the need for the AllowAmbiguousTypes extension and
makes using invoke much more convenient, as the proper error
type can now be inferred automatically.
Added function pushAsHaskellFunction to make it even easier
to use Haskell functions in Lua.
Released 2021-10-21.
Initially created. Contains modules previously found in the
Foreign.Lua.Types hierarchy from hslua-1.3.