The polysemy-zoo is an experimental repository for user-contributed additions
to the polysemy ecosystem. You’re encouraged to open Pull Requests here for
any effects/interpretations that you write and think might be useful for others.
Particularly successful contributions here will be migrated into either
polysemy proper, or polysemy-contrib (the less experimental version of the
Polysemy in the Wild
The Zoo isn’t the only place to find great user-contributions to polysemy!
Here is a curated list of other great effects and interops:
As a stop-gap for #65, the library has been rewritten to no longer use polysemy-plugin. This should allow GHC 8.10 users to use the library. (2020-02-14)
Breaking Changes
Tagged has been migrated to polysemy proper.
Polysemy.Alias and InterpreterOf has been removed in favor of
InterpreterFor, which is now part of polysemy proper
(thanks to @bolt12).
Removed runKVStoreInRedis, runSetStoreInRedis, and Polysemy.Redis.Utils
due to lack of use.
Other Changes
Added MonadThrow and MonadCatch constraint absorbers which operate
via Error SomeException (thanks to @adamConnerSax).
Added Polysemy.Input.Streaming, which offers
streaming interoperability.
Added Polysemy.Reader.Compact, which is useful for Reader effects
which provide a large structure (thanks to @spacekitteh). (2019-09-12)
Fixed the implementation of atomicPut (2019-09-05)
Final has been migrated to polysemy proper.
Only Polysemy.Final.MTL and experimental features pertaining to
Final remain in polysemy-zoo.
Added Fresh effect.
Added Tagged effect.
Added MonadCont constraint absorber which operates via the Cont effect.
Added runContViaFresh, which is still under development.
Added runReaderFixSem
Added EndState effect
Added RevState effect
Added lowerFinal
Added runFinalSem
Added nonDetToFinal
Added interpretFinalGlobal
Added asyncToIOFinalGlobal
Added resourceToIOFinalGlobal (2019-07-25)
Fixed some bugs with haddock (2019-07-24)
Added Continuation effects (thanks to @KingoftheHomeless)
Update to polysemy-’s new names (2019-07-10)
Fixed an erroneous lower bound in the tests (2019-07-10)
Breaking Changes
The semantics of absorbWriter are now aligned with the MTL implementation
New Effects and Interpreters
Added SetStore effect
Added Floodgate effect
Added Final effect, together with submodules of interpreters using it
(thanks to @KingoftheHomeless)
Added lookupOrThrowKV, existsKV and modifyKV actions to KVStore
Added Redis interpretations of SetStore and KVStore (2019-06-17)
Removed Polysemy.MTL
The machinery for MTL absorption is now monomorphized in
Polysemy.ConstraintAbsorber. See the documentation there and in submodules
for more information. (2019-06-14)
Removed Polysemy.RandomFu, which is moving to its own package
Add explicit cabal bounds for dependencies of polysemy-zoo (2019-06-12)
Update the tests to run against polysemy- (2019-06-01)
Added Polysemy.MTL for inter-op with MTL (thanks to @adamConnerSax)
Moved Polysemy.Random from polysemy
Added Polysemy.RandomFu (thanks to @adamConnerSax)
Added fixedNat and fixedNat' to Polysemy.IdempotentLowering for working
with higher-order effects.