This package defines classes which describe what subset of a type is valid as
ASCII, as well as a type constructor representing a value of a superset that is
known to be valid ASCII.
It also defines the Lift class, which provides a polymorphic lift operation
that can be used to convert characters and strings into types that support a
larger set of characters.
Changes (2022-01-02)
Minor Cabal correction (change extra-doc-files to extra-source-files) (2022-12-30)
Metadata changes only (2022-04-20)
Drop support for base 4.11 (GHC 8.4) and base 4.12 (GHC 8.6)
Modify documentation on the Lift class. Previously it indicated that the class
was for converting ASCII into supersets of ASCII. The class’s purpose is now
restated as being a conversion from any character set to any other larger
character set. The purpose is to indicate that the ASCII subset types defined in
the ascii-numbers package may reasonably have Lift instances.