This version can be pinned in stack with:aws-xray-client-persistent-,1613
A Haskell client for integrating AWS X-Ray with Persistent.
To use this, you may want choose to define a helper to annotate traces
-- ...
import Data.Pool
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Network.AWS.XRayClient.Persistent
-- ...
:: (backend ~ SqlBackend, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Text
-- ^ Subsegment name
-- The top-level subsegment will be named @\"<this> runSqlPool\"@ and the,
-- with a lower-level subsegment named @\"<this> query\"@.
-> XRayVaultData -- ^ Vault data to trace with
-> ReaderT backend m a
-> Pool backend
-> m a
runSqlPoolXRay name vaultData action pool =
traceXRaySubsegment' vaultData (name <> " runSqlPool") id
$ withRunInIO
$ \run -> withResource pool $ \backend -> do
sendTrace = atomicallyAddVaultDataSubsegment vaultData
stdGenIORef = xrayVaultDataStdGen vaultData
subsegmentName = name <> " query"
run . runSqlConn action =<< liftIO
(xraySqlBackend sendTrace stdGenIORef subsegmentName backend)
Then you can use this in your runDB definition to trace DB calls
-- ...
instance YesodPersist App where
type YesodPersistBackend App = SqlBackend
runDB action = do
pool <- getsYesod appPool
mVaultData <- vaultDataFromRequest <$> waiRequest
-- ...
maybe runSqlPool (runSqlPoolXRay "runDB") mVaultData action' pool