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Within LTS Haskell 22.19 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. fptr :: Pointer a -> {-# UNPACK #-} !ForeignPtr a

    storablevector Data.StorableVector.Pointer

    No documentation available.

  2. fprint :: MonadIO m => Format (m ()) a -> a

    formatting Formatting

    Run the formatter and print out the text to stdout.

  3. fprintLn :: MonadIO m => Format (m ()) a -> a

    formatting Formatting

    Run the formatter and print out the text to stdout, followed by a newline.

  4. fprint :: MonadIO m => Format (m ()) a -> a

    formatting Formatting.Internal

    Run the formatter and print out the text to stdout.

  5. fprintLn :: MonadIO m => Format (m ()) a -> a

    formatting Formatting.Internal

    Run the formatter and print out the text to stdout, followed by a newline.

  6. fptrCtx :: Context

    inline-c Language.C.Inline

    This Context adds support for ForeignPtr arguments. It adds a unique marshaller called fptr-ptr. For example, $fptr-ptr:(int *x) extracts the bare C pointer out of foreign pointer x.

  7. fptrCtx :: Context

    inline-c Language.C.Inline.Context

    This Context adds support for ForeignPtr arguments. It adds a unique marshaller called fptr-ptr. For example, $fptr-ptr:(int *x) extracts the bare C pointer out of foreign pointer x.

  8. fpml :: String -> String

    HaXml Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.NameConversion

    A specialised module-name converter for FpML module names with multiple dashes, including version numbers, e.g. fpml-dividend-swaps-4-7.xsd becomes FpML.V47.Swaps.Dividend but fpml-posttrade-execution-4-7.xsd becomes FpML.V47.PostTrade.Execution

  9. fpmlNameConverter :: NameConverter

    HaXml Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.NameConversion

    No documentation available.

  10. fpsHPutXml :: XmlContent a => Handle -> Bool -> a -> IO ()

    HaXml Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent

    Write a fully-typed XML document to a file handle, using the FastPackedString interface (output will not be prettified).

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