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Within LTS Haskell 22.23 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. orElse :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a

    base GHC.Conc

    Compose two alternative STM actions (GHC only). If the first action completes without retrying then it forms the result of the orElse. Otherwise, if the first action retries, then the second action is tried in its place. If both actions retry then the orElse as a whole retries.

  2. orElse :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a

    base GHC.Conc.Sync

    Compose two alternative STM actions (GHC only). If the first action completes without retrying then it forms the result of the orElse. Otherwise, if the first action retries, then the second action is tried in its place. If both actions retry then the orElse as a whole retries.

  3. orElse :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a

    stm Control.Monad.STM

    Compose two alternative STM actions (GHC only). If the first action completes without retrying then it forms the result of the orElse. Otherwise, if the first action retries, then the second action is tried in its place. If both actions retry then the orElse as a whole retries.

  4. orElse :: Maybe a -> a -> a

    test-framework Test.Framework.Providers.API

    No documentation available.

  5. orElse :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a

    unliftio UnliftIO.STM

    Compose two alternative STM actions (GHC only). If the first action completes without retrying then it forms the result of the orElse. Otherwise, if the first action retries, then the second action is tried in its place. If both actions retry then the orElse as a whole retries.

  6. orElse :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a

    syb Data.Generics.Aliases

    Left-biased choice on maybes


    >>> orElse Nothing Nothing
    >>> orElse Nothing (Just 'a')
    Just 'a'
    >>> orElse (Just 'a') Nothing
    Just 'a'
    >>> orElse (Just 'a') (Just 'b')
    Just 'a'

  7. orElse :: Maybe a -> a -> a

    ghc GHC.Data.Maybe

    Flipped version of fromMaybe, useful for chaining.

  8. orElse :: ArrowIf a => a b c -> a b c -> a b c

    hxt Control.Arrow.ArrowIf

    f `orElse` g : directional choice: if f succeeds, the result of f is the result, else g is applied

  9. orElse :: Maybe a -> a -> a

    ghc-lib-parser GHC.Data.Maybe

    Flipped version of fromMaybe, useful for chaining.

  10. orElse :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a

    protolude Protolude

    Compose two alternative STM actions (GHC only). If the first action completes without retrying then it forms the result of the orElse. Otherwise, if the first action retries, then the second action is tried in its place. If both actions retry then the orElse as a whole retries.

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