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Within LTS Haskell 22.23 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. mkPersistSettings :: Type -> MkPersistSettings

    hledger-web Hledger.Web.Import

    Create an MkPersistSettings with default values.

  2. mkPersistWith :: MkPersistSettings -> [EntityDef] -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec]

    hledger-web Hledger.Web.Import

    Like mkPersist, but allows you to provide a [EntityDef] representing the predefined entities. This function will include those EntityDef when looking for foreign key references. You should use this if you intend on defining Persistent models in multiple files. Suppose we define a table Foo which has no dependencies.

    module DB.Foo where
    mkPersistWith sqlSettings [] [persistLowerCase|
    name    Text
    Then, we define a table Bar which depends on Foo:
    module DB.Bar where
    import DB.Foo
    mkPersistWith sqlSettings [entityDef (Proxy :: Proxy Foo)] [persistLowerCase|
    fooId  FooId
    Writing out the list of EntityDef can be annoying. The $(discoverEntities) shortcut will work to reduce this boilerplate.
    module DB.Quux where
    import DB.Foo
    import DB.Bar
    mkPersistWith sqlSettings $(discoverEntities) [persistLowerCase|
    name     Text
    fooId    FooId
    barId    BarId

  3. data MkPersistSettings

    persistent Database.Persist.TH

    Settings to be passed to the mkPersist function.

  4. data () => MkPersistSettings

    persistent-test Init

    Settings to be passed to the mkPersist function.

  5. data () => MkPersistSettings

    classy-prelude-yesod ClassyPrelude.Yesod

    Settings to be passed to the mkPersist function.

  6. data () => MkPersistSettings

    hledger-web Hledger.Web.Import

    Settings to be passed to the mkPersist function.

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