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Within LTS Haskell 22.24 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. withDefaultEnvConfig :: RIO EnvConfig a -> RIO Config a

    stack Stack.Runners

    Helper for withEnvConfig which passes in some default arguments:

    • No targets are requested
    • Default command line build options are assumed

  2. withDefaults :: (Monoid s, Ord s) => Defaults s () -> Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec]

    flexible-defaults Language.Haskell.TH.FlexibleDefaults

    Given a Q [Dec] containing an instance declaration, complete that instance declaration using the given Defaults specification. Typical usage would be along the lines of the following:

    $(withDefaults fooDefaults [d| instance Foo t where {- ... -} |])

  3. newtype WithDefaultPartials m a

    pandoc Text.Pandoc.Templates

    Wrap a Monad in this if you want partials to be taken only from the default data files.

  4. WithDefaultPartials :: m a -> WithDefaultPartials m a

    pandoc Text.Pandoc.Templates

    No documentation available.

  5. data WithDefault' a (b :: Bool)

    Agda Agda.Utils.WithDefault

    We don't want to have to remember for each flag whether its default value is True or False. So we bake it into the representation: the flag's type will mention its default value as a phantom parameter.

  6. class WithDefaultSvg a

    svg-tree Graphics.Svg.Types

    Define an empty 'default' element for the SVG tree. It is used as base when parsing the element from XML.

  7. openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions :: FilePath -> String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)

    base System.IO

    Like openBinaryTempFile, but uses the default file permissions

  8. openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions :: FilePath -> String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)

    base System.IO

    Like openTempFile, but uses the default file permissions

  9. findWithDefault :: a -> Key -> IntMap a -> a

    containers Data.IntMap.Internal

    The expression (findWithDefault def k map) returns the value at key k or returns def when the key is not an element of the map.

    findWithDefault 'x' 1 (fromList [(5,'a'), (3,'b')]) == 'x'
    findWithDefault 'x' 5 (fromList [(5,'a'), (3,'b')]) == 'a'

  10. findWithDefault :: a -> Key -> IntMap a -> a

    containers Data.IntMap.Lazy

    The expression (findWithDefault def k map) returns the value at key k or returns def when the key is not an element of the map.

    findWithDefault 'x' 1 (fromList [(5,'a'), (3,'b')]) == 'x'
    findWithDefault 'x' 5 (fromList [(5,'a'), (3,'b')]) == 'a'

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