
Hackage Build Status

A semigroupoid is a Category without id. This package provides a range of id-free versions of type classes, as well as some supporting functions and data types.

Field Guide

The diagram below describes the relationships between the type classes defined in this package, and those from base (with some from contravariant as well). Thick-bordered nodes correspond to type classes defined in this package; thin-bordered ones are from elsewhere. Solid edges represent subclass relationships that actually exist; dashed edges are those which should exist in theory.

A diagram of the relationships between type classes defined in this package and elsewhere.

We also provide the following table. This is structured in superclass order - thus, for any type class T, all superclasses of T will be listed before T in the table.

Name Location Superclass of Ideally superclass of
Functor base Alt, Apply, Traversable
Foldable base Traversable, Foldable1
Bifunctor base Biapply
Contravariant base Divise, Decide
Semigroupoid semigroupoids Category
Alt semigroupoids Plus
Apply semigroupoids Bind Applicative
Traversable base Traversable1
Foldable1 semigroupoids Traversable1
Biapply semigroupoids
Divise semigroupoids Divisible
Decide semigroupoids Conclude Decidable
Category base Arrow
Plus semigroupoids Alternative
Applicative base Alternative, Monad
Bind semigroupoids Monad
Traversable1 semigroupoids
Divisible contravariant
Conclude semigroupoids Decidable
Arrow base
Alternative base MonadPlus
Monad base MonadPlus
Decidable contravariant
MonadPlus base

We omit some type class relationships from this diagram, as they are not relevant for the purposes of this package.

Contact Information

Contributions and bug reports are welcome!

Please feel free to contact me through Github or on the #haskell IRC channel on LiberaChat.

-Edward Kmett

Changes [2023.03.16]

  • When building with GHC 9.6, require transformers >= 0.6.1 and containers >= 0.6.7. This ensures that semigroupoids always provides Traversable1 instances for data types from transformers and containers unconditionally.

6 [2023.03.12]

  • Drop support for GHC 7.10 and earlier.

  • The Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 classes have been migrated:

    • When building with base-4.18 or later, semigroupoids re-exports Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 from base. (These classes were added to base-4.18 as a result of this Core Libraries proposal.)
    • When building with older versions of base, semigroupoids re-exports Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 from the foldable1-classes-compat compatibility package.

    Note that the version of Foldable1 that semigroupoids defined in previous releases only had three class methods: fold1, foldMap1, and toNonEmpty. Moreover, foldMap1 had a default implementation in terms of a Foldable constraint. base’s version of Foldable1, however, has some notable differences:

    1. It has many more methods than the three listed above, such as the foldrMap1 method.
    2. foldMap1 now has a default implementation in terms of foldrMap1 instead of in terms of a Foldable constraint.

    To avoid (1) causing issues when upgrading to semigroupoids-6, Data.Semigroup.Foldable only re-exports the fold1, foldMap1, and toNonEmpty methods, which reflects the API in previous semigroupoids releases. If you want to use the other, new class methods of Foldable1, consider importing it from Data.Foldable1 (its home in base) instead.

    Difference (2) is trickier, because it is possible that existing code that defines valid Foldable1 instances will need to be migrated. If you have an instance like this:

    import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
    data T a = MkT a
    instance Foldable T where
      foldMap f (MkT x) = f x
    instance Foldable1 T -- Relying on Foldable-based defaults

    Then calling foldMap1 on T will throw an error with semigroupoids-6, as foldMap1’s default implementation no longer uses Foldable. To migrate this code, change the instance to explicitly define foldMap1:

    instance Foldable1 T where
      foldMap1 f (MkT x) = f x

    This approach should be backwards-compatible with previous semigroupoids releases.

    Some other side effects of this migration include:

    • The Data.Semigroup.Foldable.Class module has been deprecated. It no longer serves a useful role, as it simply re-exports a limited subset of the Data.Foldable1 and Data.Bifoldable1 API.
    • All of the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 instances that were previously defined in semigroupoids have now been migrated to downstream libraries (base, bifunctors, containers, tagged, and transformers), so it is no longer strictly necessary to depend on semigroupoids to make use of these instances.
  • Add Generic1-based functions for many classes, useful for writing instances:

    • Data.Functor.Alt.(<!>) -> Data.Functor.Alt.galt
    • Data.Functor.Apply.{liftF2,liftF3} -> Data.Functor.Apply.{gliftF2,gliftF3}
    • Data.Functor.Bind.(>>-) -> Data.Functor.Bind.gbind
    • Data.Functor.Contravariant.Conclude.{conclude,concluded} -> Data.Functor.Contravariant.Conclude.{gconclude,gconcluded}
    • Data.Functor.Contravariant.Decide.{decide,decided} -> Data.Functor.Contravariant.Decide.{gdecide,gdecided}
    • Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divise.{divise,divised} -> Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divise.{gdivise,gdivised}
    • Data.Functor.Extend.{duplicated,extended} -> Data.Functor.Extend.{gduplicated,gextended}
    • -> Data.Functor.Plus.gzero
    • Data.Semigroup.Foldable.{fold1,foldMap1,toNonEmpty} -> Data.Semigroup.Foldable.{gfold1,gfoldMap1,gtoNonEmpty}
    • Data.Semigroup.Traversable.{traverse1,sequence1} -> Data.Semigroup.Traversable.{gtraverse1,gsequence1}

5.3.7 [2022.01.09]

  • Relax the Bind constraints in the following instances to Functor:

    -instance (Bind f,    Monad f) => Alt  (MaybeT f)
    -instance (Bind f,    Monad f) => Plus (MaybeT f)
    +instance (Functor f, Monad f) => Alt  (MaybeT f)
    +instance (Functor f, Monad f) => Plus (MaybeT f)
    -instance (Bind f,    Monad f, Semigroup e)           => Alt  (ExceptT e f)
    -instance (Bind f,    Monad f, Semigroup e, Monoid e) => Plus (ExceptT e f)
    +instance (Functor f, Monad f, Semigroup e)           => Alt  (ExceptT e f)
    +instance (Functor f, Monad f, Semigroup e, Monoid e) => Plus (ExceptT e f)
     -- If building with transformers-0.5.* or older
    -instance (Bind f,    Monad f)          => Alt  (ErrorT e f)
    -instance (Bind f,    Monad f, Error e) => Plus (ErrorT e f
    +instance (Functor f, Monad f)          => Alt  (ErrorT e f)
    +instance (Functor f, Monad f, Error e) => Plus (ErrorT e f)

5.3.6 [2021.10.07]

  • Allow building with GHC 9.2.
  • Allow building with transformers-0.6.*.
  • Add Alt instance for Identity.
  • Add Conclude, Decide and Divise type classes and instances.
  • Add (<.*>), (<*.>), and traverseMaybe functions, which make it easier to defined Traversable1 instances for data types that have fields with a combination of Traversable and Traversable1 instances.
  • Add Semigroupoids.Do module with overloads for use with QualifiedDo.
  • Add Apply, Alt, Plus, Bind and BindTrans instances for the CPS versions of WriterT and RWST.
  • Add psum function to Data.Functor.Plus.
  • Add Categorical data type.

5.3.5 [2020.12.31]

  • The build-type has been changed from Custom to Simple. To achieve this, the doctests test suite has been removed in favor of using cabal-docspec to run the doctests.
  • Explicitly mark modules as Safe.

5.3.4 [2019.11.26]

5.3.3 [2019.08.27]

  • Add Alt and Plus instances for HashMap from the unordered-containers package.

5.3.2 [2019.01.04]

  • Bump the lower bound on semigroups to 0.16.2, and avoid incurring the dependency entirely on recent GHCs.
  • Fix the build on GHC 7.0 and 7.2.

5.3.1 [2018.07.02]

  • Fix a regression introduced in semigroupoids-5.3 in which some modules regressed from Trustworthy to Unsafe.

5.3 [2018.07.02]

  • Allow building with containers-0.6.
  • Add Alt instances for First and Last from Data.Semigroup, and Alt and Plus instances for First and Last from Data.Monoid.
  • Add missing Apply, Bind, Extend, Foldable1 and Traversable1 instances for Data.Semigroups, Data.Monoid and GHC.Generics.

5.2.2 [2018.01.18]

  • Add optional to Data.Functor.Alt (analogous to the optional function in Control.Applicative)
  • liftF2 is now a class method of Apply (mirroring the fact that liftA2 is now a class method of Applicative). liftF2 and (<.>) have default definitions in terms of the other.
  • Allow building with GHC 8.4
  • Apply and Bind instances for Q, from the template-haskell package. (As a consequence, Data.Semigroup.Foldable is no longer a Trustworthy module.)
  • Add instances for (:~:) and (:~~:) from Data.Type.Equality, and Coercion from Data.Type.Coercion


  • Add the toNonEmpty method to Foldable1. Add foldrM1 and foldlM1 functions to Data.Semigroup.Foldable that are defined in terms of toNonEmpty.
  • Add Apply, Bind, Foldable1, and Traversable1 instances for Complex
  • Add Apply and Bind instances for HashMap from the unordered-containers package (on which semigroupoids now depends)
  • Add Semigroupoid instances for Tagged and Const


  • Revamp Setup.hs to use cabal-doctest. This makes it build with Cabal-1.25, and makes the doctests work with cabal new-build and sandboxes.
  • Added instances to Alt, Plus, Apply, Bind and Extend for GHC.Generics, Tagged and Proxy where appropriate.


  • The remaining orphan instances in Data.Traversable.Instances have been replaced in favor of the orphan instances from transformers-compat-0.5.
  • The documentation now states laws that instances of Apply are expected to uphold.
  • doctest-0.11 support
  • Fixed compilation of tests with stack


  • transformers-compat 0.5 support
  • Removed some redundant constraints.
  • GHC 8 support

  • doctest 0.10 support

  • Bugfix for GHC 7.4. PolyKinds on 7.4 cause all sorts of haskell interface file errors. One of the #if guards that turned it off on 7.4 was missing and has been fixed.

  • Added the CHANGELOG to the distribution so that hackage can link to it in the haddocks.


  • Absorbed Data.Bifunctor.Apply, Data.Semigroup.Bifoldable and Data.Semigroup.Traversable from bifunctors.
  • This caused us to pick up a dependency on tagged.
  • Exiled Data.Semifunctor.*, Data.Semigroupoid.Product and Data.Semigroupoid.Coproduct to semigroupoid-extras.
  • This let us open up to older versions of GHC again.
  • Set an explicit fixity for -<- and ->-.


  • Major changes to the API to support PolyKinds and DataKinds. This necessarily shuts off GHC <= 7.4.
  • Orphan instances have moved upstream into a common base-orphans package.


  • Added asum1 to Data.Semigroup.Foldable.

  • Support for ‘ConstrainedClassMethods’ is currently required for GHC HEAD.


  • Added missing instances for ExceptT. Obtain it via transformers-compat if need be for old transformers versions.
  • Several Bind and Apply instances now require somewhat more minimal contexts.


  • Backported Foldable/Traversable instances from lens


  • Foldable1/Traversable1 for tuples


  • contravariant 1.0 support.


  • Added flags to provide unsupported cabal sandbox build modes.


  • Fixed bitrot in the Data.Functor.Extend documentation.
  • Fixed warnings on GHC 7.8.1rc2 caused by importing Control.Monad.Instances.


  • Merged in the contents of the groupoids and semigroupoid-extras packages.


  • Added the rectangular band Semigroupoid for (,). Would that make it a Bandoid?


  • Claim to be Trustworthy where necessary


  • Tightened the upper bounds slightly to enable PVP compliance while retaining a flexible development cycle.
  • Raised the upper bound on contravariant.


  • Removed upper bounds relative to my other packages
  • Refactored directory layout