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Within LTS Haskell 22.20 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. module Control.Arrow

    Basic arrow definitions, based on

    • Generalising Monads to Arrows, by John Hughes, Science of Computer Programming 37, pp67-111, May 2000.
    plus a couple of definitions (returnA and loop) from
    • A New Notation for Arrows, by Ross Paterson, in ICFP 2001, Firenze, Italy, pp229-240.
    These papers and more information on arrows can be found at http://www.haskell.org/arrows/.

  2. class Category a => Arrow a

    base Control.Arrow

    The basic arrow class. Instances should satisfy the following laws:

    assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
    The other combinators have sensible default definitions, which may be overridden for efficiency.

  3. module GHC.Tc.Gen.Arrow

    Typecheck arrow notation

  4. module Control.Arrow

    No documentation available.

  5. class Category a => Arrow (a :: Type -> Type -> Type)

    rio RIO.Prelude.Types

    The basic arrow class. Instances should satisfy the following laws:

    assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
    The other combinators have sensible default definitions, which may be overridden for efficiency.

  6. module Diagrams.TwoD.Arrow

    Drawing arrows in two dimensions. For a tutorial on drawing arrows using this module, see the diagrams website: https://diagrams.github.io/doc/arrow.html.

  7. module Optics.Arrow

    No documentation available.

  8. module GI.Gtk.Objects.Arrow

    GtkArrow should be used to draw simple arrows that need to point in one of the four cardinal directions (up, down, left, or right). The style of the arrow can be one of shadow in, shadow out, etched in, or etched out. Note that these directions and style types may be amended in versions of GTK+ to come. GtkArrow will fill any space alloted to it, but since it is inherited from Misc, it can be padded and/or aligned, to fill exactly the space the programmer desires. Arrows are created with a call to arrowNew. The direction or style of an arrow can be changed after creation by using arrowSet. GtkArrow has been deprecated; you can simply use a Image with a suitable icon name, such as “pan-down-symbolic“. When replacing GtkArrow by an image, pay attention to the fact that GtkArrow is doing automatic flipping between GTK_ARROW_LEFT and GTK_ARROW_RIGHT, depending on the text direction. To get the same effect with an image, use the icon names “pan-start-symbolic“ and “pan-end-symbolic“, which react to the text direction.

  9. newtype Arrow

    gi-gtk GI.Gtk.Objects.Arrow

    Memory-managed wrapper type.

  10. Arrow :: ManagedPtr Arrow -> Arrow

    gi-gtk GI.Gtk.Objects.Arrow

    No documentation available.

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