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Within LTS Haskell 22.17 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. class RandomGen g

    random System.Random

    RandomGen is an interface to pure pseudo-random number generators. StdGen is the standard RandomGen instance provided by this library.

  2. class RandomGen g

    tf-random System.Random.TF.Gen

    Alternative RandomGen class with a modified next operation, and added splitn and level operations. Using the generator requires that no more than one operation is called on the same generator state, as the implementation does not guarantee pseudorandomness otherwise. As an exception, calling splitn many times on the same generator state is allowed as long as the 'bits' argument is the same for all the calls.

  3. class (RandomGen r, StatefulGen g m) => RandomGenM g r m | g -> r

    random System.Random.Stateful

    Interface to operations on RandomGen wrappers like IOGenM and StateGenM.

  4. applyRandomGenM :: RandomGenM g r m => (r -> (a, r)) -> g -> m a

    random System.Random.Stateful

    No documentation available.

  5. withRandomGenIORef :: RandomGen g => IORef g -> (g -> (a, g)) -> IO a

    aws-xray-client System.Random.XRayCustom

    Like getStdRandom, except use a given 'IORef StdGen' instead of the global theStdGen.

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