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Within LTS Haskell 22.18 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. class RenderRoute site => Yesod site

    yesod-core Yesod.Core

    Define settings for a Yesod applications. All methods have intelligent defaults, and therefore no implementation is required.

  2. module Yesod

    This module simply re-exports from other modules for your convenience.

  3. module Test.Syd.Yesod

    Testing a yesod site. For a fully-worked example, see sydtest-yesod/blog-example.

  4. module Network.Bugsnag.Yesod

    A yesodMiddleware that notifies Bugsnag of exceptions yesodMiddleware is the only way to handle things as actual exceptions. The alternative, using errorHandler, means you would only ever see an "InternalError Text" value. The main downside to this middleware is that short-circuit responses also come through the middleware as exceptions, and must be filtered. Unless of course you want to notify Bugsnag of 404s and such.

  5. module ClassyPrelude.Yesod

    No documentation available.

  6. class RenderRoute site => Yesod site

    classy-prelude-yesod ClassyPrelude.Yesod

    Define settings for a Yesod applications. All methods have intelligent defaults, and therefore no implementation is required.

  7. class RenderRoute site => Yesod site

    hledger-web Hledger.Web.Import

    Define settings for a Yesod applications. All methods have intelligent defaults, and therefore no implementation is required.

  8. module Test.Syd.Webdriver.Yesod

    This is a helper module for Webdriver to let you use Yesod routes to define webdriver tests.

  9. module Web.ServerSession.Frontend.Yesod

    Yesod server-side session support. This package implements an Yesod SessionBackend, so it's a drop-in replacement for the default clientsession. Unfortunately, Yesod currently provides no way of accessing the session other than via its own functions. If you want to use a custom data type as your session data (instead of the default SessionMap), it will have to implement IsSessionMap and you'll have to continue using Yesod's session interface.

  10. package yesod

    Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications. API docs and the README are available at http://www.stackage.org/package/yesod

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