
A declarative terminal user interface library

Version on this page:0.2.1
LTS Haskell 22.25:2.1.1
Stackage Nightly 2024-06-10:2.3.1
Latest on Hackage:2.3.1

See all snapshots brick appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Jonathan Daugherty
This version can be pinned in stack with:brick-0.2.1@sha256:d8de822f7c9e905e8d53d885a9d783b6f131d5686b893cfe1030ac77bb7f1b77,8272


Build Status

brick is a terminal user interface programming library written in Haskell, in the style of gloss. This means you write a function that describes how your user interface should look, but the library takes care of a lot of the book-keeping that so commonly goes into writing such programs.

brick exposes a declarative API. Unlike most GUI toolkits which require you to write a long and tedious sequence of “create a widget, now bind an event handler”, brick just requires you to describe your interface – even the bits that are stateful – using a set of declarative combinators. Then you provide a function to transform your own application state when input (or other kinds of) events arrive.

Under the hood, this library builds upon vty.

This library deprecates vty-ui.

Feature Overview

brick comes with a bunch of widget types to get you started:

  • Vertical and horizontal box layout widgets
  • Basic single- and multi-line text editor widgets
  • List widget
  • Progress bar widget
  • Simple dialog box widget
  • Border-drawing widgets (put borders around or in between things)
  • Generic scrollable viewports
  • Extensible widget-building API
  • (And many more general-purpose layout control combinators)

In addition, some of brick’s more powerful features may not be obvious right away:

  • All widgets can be arranged in predictable layouts so you don’t have to worry about terminal resizes.
  • Most widgets can be made scrollable for free.
  • Attribute management is flexible and can be customized at runtime on a per-widget basis.

brick exports lens and non-lens interfaces for most things, so you can get the full power of lens if you want it or use plain Haskell if you don’t. If a brick library function named thing has a lens version, the lens version is named thingL.

Getting Started


$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install -j -f demos
$ .cabal-sandbox/bin/brick-???-demo

To get started, see the first few sections of the brick user guide.


Your documentation options, in recommended order, are:


brick is young and may be missing some essential features. There are some places were I have deliberately chosen to worry about performance later for the sake of spending more time on the design (and to wait on performance issues to arise first). brick exports an extension API that makes it possible to make your own packages and widgets. If you use that, you’ll also be helping to test whether the exported interface is usable and complete!

The development of this library has revealed some bugs in vty, and I’ve tried to report those as I go. If they haven’t been resolved, you’ll see them arise when using brick.

Reporting bugs

Please file bug reports as GitHub issues. For best results:

  • Include the versions of relevant software packages: your terminal emulator, brick, ghc, and vty will be the most important ones. Even better, the output of cabal freeze would probably be helpful in making the problem reproducible.

  • Clearly describe the behavior you expected …

  • … and include a mininal demonstration program that exhibits the behavior you actually observed.


If you decide to contribute, that’s great! Here are some guidelines you should consider to make submitting patches easier for all concerned:

  • If you want to take on big things, talk to me first; let’s have a design/vision discussion before you start coding. Create a GitHub issue and we can use that as the place to hash things out.
  • If you make changes, try to make them consistent with the syntactic conventions I’ve used in the codebase.
  • Please provide Haddock and/or user guide documentation for any changes you make.


Brick changelog


Bug fixes:

  • List:
    • Fixed size policy of lists so that rather than being Fixed/Fixed, they are Greedy/Greedy. This resolves issues that arise when the box layout widget renders a list widget alongside a Fixed/Fixed one. (Closes issue #17, thanks Karl Voelker)
  • Scrolling:
    • vScrollPage actually scrolls vertically now rather than horizontally (Thanks Hans-Peter Deifel [email protected])


API changes:

  • Added top-level Brick module that re-exports the most important modules in the library.
  • List:
    • Now instead of passing the item-drawing function to the list state constructor, it is passed to renderList
    • renderList now takes the row height of the list’s item widgets. The list item-drawing function must respect this in order for scrolling to work properly. This change made it possible to optimize the list so that it only draws widgets visible in the viewport rather than rendering all of the list’s items (even the ones off-screen). But to do this we must be able to tell in advance how high each one is, so we require this parameter. In addition this change means that lists no longer support items of different heights.
    • The list now uses Data.Vector instead of [a] to store items; this permits efficient slicing so we can do the optimized rendering described above.
  • The HandleEvent type class handleEvent method now runs in EventM. This permits event-handling code implemented in terms of HandleEvent to do get access to viewport state and to run IO code, making it just as powerful as code in the top-level EventM handler.
  • Many types were moved from Brick.Widgets.Core and Brick.Main to Brick.Types, making the former module merely a home for Widget constructors and combinators.
  • The IsString instance for Widget was removed; this might be reinstated later, but this package provides enough IsString instances that things can get confusing.
  • EventM is now reader monad over the most recent rendering pass’s viewport state, in addition to being a state monad over viewport requests for the renderer. Added the lookupViewport function to provide access to the most recent viewport state. Exported the Viewport type and lenses.
  • Now that handleEvent is now an EventM action, composition with continue et al got a little messier when using lenses to update the application state. To help with this, there is now handleEventLensed.


  • Lists now perform well with 10 items or a million (see above; fixes #7, thanks Simon Michael)
  • Added more haddock notes to Brick.Widgets.Core about growth policies.
  • Forced evaluation of render states to address a space leak in the renderer (fixes #14, thanks Sebastian Reuße [email protected])
  • str: only reference string content that can be shown (eliminates a space leak, fixes #14, thanks Sebastian Reuße [email protected])


  • Added a makefile for the user guide.
  • List: added support for Home and End keys (thanks Simon Michael)
  • Viewports: when rendering viewports, scroll requests from EventM are processed before visibility requests from the rendering process; this reverses this previous order of operations but permits user-supplied event handlers to reset viewports when desired.

Package changes:

  • Added deepseq dependency


Initial release