
Extended yes command to reproduce phrases in Yes! Precure 5.

Version on this page:5.5.2
LTS Haskell 22.34:5.5.3
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-20:5.5.3
Latest on Hackage:5.5.3

See all snapshots yes-precure5-command appears in

MIT licensed by YAMAMOTO Yuji
Maintained by YAMAMOTO Yuji
This version can be pinned in stack with:yes-precure5-command-5.5.2@sha256:bfca9d4564f761c3501188b6b451e327060e61810cb8a709bf17cc90fbfec69b,1764

Provides extended yes command to reproduce phrases in Yes! Precure 5 or Yes! PreCure5 GoGo!

See for details.