
JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library

Version on this page:0.7.3
LTS Haskell 22.34:0.9.6
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-20:0.10.0
Latest on Hackage:0.10.0

See all snapshots jose-jwt appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Luke Taylor
This version can be pinned in stack with:jose-jwt-0.7.3@sha256:7531cbc876c349be6641cff61e0f6f44e684c8d3af75a62f6210575efea14245,3333

Module documentation for 0.7.3

An implementation of the JOSE suite of IETF standards and the closely related JWT (JSON web token) spec (

Both signed and encrypted JWTs are supported, as well as simple JWK keys.



  • Add JSON test data to extra-source-files.


  • Remove test dependency on aeson-qq


  • Update cryptonite version to 0.19 to avoid security issues
  • Fix broken benchmark code
  • Better error message for invalid key length when using AES keywrap


  • Add support for AES key wrap in JWEs.
  • Support A192GCM and A192CBC-HS384 algorithms.
  • Switch to cryptonite library.


  • Remove dependency on errors package.


  • Minor internal changes to fix build on GHC 7.10.


  • Change KeyId type to allow use of a UTCTime string for the identifier.
  • Internal crypto fixes to prevent exceptions from external libraries.


  • Add JwtEncoding type. Changes API of Jwt.encode and Jwt.decode.


  • Fix in the code for finding suitable JWKs for encoding/decoding.

  • Added doctest flag to cabal file to allow doctests to be disabled.


  • Add cprng-aes dependency to doctests to stop test failure on travis and nixos hydra builds.


  • Changed use of Jwt type to represent an encoded JWT.
  • Introduced Payload type to allow setting the cty header value correctly for nested JWTs.
  • Added an explicit Unsecured type for a decoded JWT, to make it obvious when the content is not signed or encrypted.
  • Fixed some bugs in JSON encoding and decoding of EC JWKs.


Changed the signature of Jwt.encode to take a list of Jwk rather than a single key. The key will be selected from the list based on the specified algorithms.


  • New support for JWS validation using elliptic curve algorithms.
  • Added Jwt.encode function which takes a JWK argument, allowing key data (currently the key ID) to be encoded in the token header.