BSD-3-Clause licensed by Joshua Grosso
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:axel-0.0.3@sha256:bb9c15c1b888357f52194d860b94bf16f08c5309692806eea40925dc8310afe7,3078

Module documentation for 0.0.3

#+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil
* Axel
Haskell + Lisp + JVM/Node/... = Profit!

See [[]].
** Code Style
Use ~hindent~ to format code and ~hlint~ to catch errors.
** Running
Run ~scripts/ to build the project, and ~stack exec axel-exe~ to run ~app/Main.hs~. The executable takes one argument, the path of the Haskell program to transpile and execute.
** Examples
See the ~examples~ folder for example Axel programs.