
Dependent pairs and their instances.


Version on this page:0.6
LTS Haskell 22.43:0.9
Stackage Nightly 2024-11-30:0.9
Latest on Hackage:0.9

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BSD-3-Clause licensed by Renzo Carbonara
Maintained by renzoλcarbonara.com.ar
This version can be pinned in stack with:exinst-0.6@sha256:3cdb8134b74bd9c07ec32d29b2e676d1d26dbb50a246b0a640c3a0ff8189df86,3151

Module documentation for 0.6


Build Status

See the BSD3 LICENSE file to learn about the legal terms and conditions for this library.

Find documentation for this library in the top-level Exinst module.


Version 0.6

  • The binary and deepseq Cabal flags were removed since these two packages are always included with the GHC distribution, so it doesn’t make sense to make them optional.

  • The optional dependencies hidden behind Cabal flags now apply to the test suite as well.

  • Builds with GHC 8.4.

Version 0.5

  • BREAKING: Depend on singletons == 2.3.*.

  • Add same{1,2,3,4}.

  • Add dependencies on cborg and serialise

  • Add instances for serialise (binary CBOR encoding/decoding)

Version 0.4

  • BREAKING: Decouple binary and cereal instances from bytes. This introduces a slight backwards incompatible change if you were using some Serial instances that depended on host endianness (such as Int).

  • Add P1, P2, P3, P4.

  • Add S1, S2, S3, S4.

  • Add Read instances for Some{1,2,3,4}.

  • Moved documentation from README.md into the top-level Exinst module.


  • Removed dependency on generic-random.

  • Correctly deal with cabal flags for deepseq and hashable.

  • Add binary’s Data.Binary.Binary and cereal’s Data.Serialize.Serialize instances for Some{1,2,3,4}. These instances are compatible with each other and rely on the Data.Bytes.Serial instances.

Version 0.3

  • BREAKING: Renamed module Exinst.Singletons to Exinst.

  • BREAKING: The Exinst.Instances.Base module is gone. The base instances are now exported from Exinst.

  • Add Dict0.

  • Re-export Constraint from base.

  • Add Dict{0,2,3,4} instances for Bool.

  • Add GHC.Generics.Generic support for Some{1,2,3,4}. This only works for indexes with PEnum and PBounded instances.

  • Added tests.

  • Added Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary instances for Some{1,2,3,4} in Exinst.Instances.QuickCheck. These instances and their dependency on QuickCheck can be toggled with the quickcheck Cabal flag.

  • Added Data.Aeson.{FromJSON,ToJSON} instances for Some{1,2,3,4} in Exinst.Instances.Aeson. These instances and their dependency on aeson can be toggled with the aeson Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the exinst-aeson package, and are compatible with them.

  • Added Bytes.Serial.Serial instances for Some{1,2,3,4} in Exinst.Instances.Bytes. These instances and their dependency on bytes can be toggled with the bytes Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the exinst-bytes package, and are compatible with them.

  • Added Control.DeepSeq.NFData instances for Some{1,2,3,4} in Exinst.Instances.DeepSeq. These instances and their dependency on deepseq can be toggled with the deepseq Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the exinst-deepseq package, and are compatible with them.

  • Added Data.Hashable.Hashable instances for Some{1,2,3,4} in Exinst.Instances.DeepSeq. These instances and their dependency on hashable can be toggled with the hashable Cabal flag. These instances used to exist in now-deprecated the exinst-hashable package, and are compatible with them.

Version 0.2

  • Depend on singletons-2.2, which means KProxy is gone.

  • Add _Some{1,2,3,4} prisms.

  • Add Dict1 instance for Bool.

  • Add some{1,2,3,4}SingRep.

  • Thanks to Sandy Maguire for having contributed to this release.

Version 0.1.2

  • Export the Some{1,2,3,4} constructors.

  • Make all the fields in Some{1,2,3,4} strict.

  • Relax upper bound on base, singletons, constraints.

  • Re-export Dict(Dict) from constraints.

Version 0.1.1

  • Relax upper bound on singletons dependency.

  • withSome{1,2,3,4}Sing brings SingI instances to scope.

  • Generalized the (* -> Constraint) parameter in Dict{1,2,3,4} to (k -> Constraint).

Version 0.1

  • Initial release.