This package uses tagstream-conduit for its parser. It automatically balances
mismatched tags, so that there shouldn’t be any parse failures. It does not
handle a full HTML document rendering, such as adding missing html and head
tags. Note that, since version 1.3.1, it uses an inlined copy of
tagstream-conduit with entity decoding bugfixes applied.
Simple usage example:
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-6.23 runghc
--package http-conduit --package html-conduit
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Network.HTTP.Simple (httpSink)
import Text.HTML.DOM (sinkDoc)
import Text.XML.Cursor (attributeIs, content, element,
fromDocument, ($//), (&/), (&//))
main :: IO ()
main = do
doc <- httpSink "" $ const sinkDoc
let cursor = fromDocument doc
T.putStrLn "Chapters in the Yesod book:\n"
mapM_ T.putStrLn
$ cursor
$// attributeIs "class" "main-listing"
&// element "li"
&/ element "a"
&/ content
Fix a bug that was removing < symbols in script tags.
Inline tagstream-conduit for entity decoding in attribute value bug