LicenseRef-PublicDomain licensed by Greg V
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:microformats2-parser-,2805

microformats2-parser Hackage Build Status unlicense

Microformats 2 parser for Haskell! #IndieWeb

Originally created for sweetroll.

  • parses items, rels, rel-urls
  • resolves relative URLs (with support for the <base> tag), including inside of html for e-* properties
  • parses the value-class-pattern, including date and time normalization
  • handles malformed HTML (the actual HTML parser is tagstream-conduit)
  • high performance
  • extensively tested

Also check out http-link-header because you often need to read links from the Link header!



Look at the API docs on Hackage for more info, here’s a quick overview:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Microformats2.Parser
import Data.Default
import Network.URI

parseMf2 def $ documentRoot $ parseLBS "<body><p class=h-entry><h1 class=p-name>Yay!</h1></p></body>"

parseMf2 (def { baseUri = parseURI "" }) $ documentRoot $ parseLBS "<body><base href=\"base/\"><link rel=micropub href='micropub'><p class=h-entry><h1 class=p-name>Yay!</h1></p></body>"

The def is the default configuration.

The configuration includes:

  • htmlMode, an HTML parsing mode (Unsafe | Escape | Sanitize)
  • baseUri, the Maybe URI that represents the address you retrieved the HTML from, used for resolving relative addresses – you should set it

parseMf2 will return an Aeson Value structured like canonical microformats2 JSON. lens-aeson is a good way to navigate it.


Use stack to build.
Use ghci to run tests quickly with :test (see the .ghci file).

$ stack build

$ stack test

$ stack ghci


Please feel free to submit pull requests!

By participating in this project you agree to follow the Contributor Code of Conduct and to release your contributions under the Unlicense.

The list of contributors is available on GitHub.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE file or