geojson Build Status Hackage

A thin GeoJSON Layer above the aeson library

Other Projects/Documentation

Geometry Survival Guide



3.0.4 -> 4.0.0

  • Create a bounding box type that we can all enjoy (XY, XYZ, XYZM instead of Sequence).


2.0.0 -> 3.0.2

  • Switch to using Data.Sequence instead of Data.Vector.Storable.


1.3.3 -> 2.0.0

  • Switch to using Data.Vector.Storable instead of lists,
  • GeoPositionWithoutCRS is now a sum type (Empty, XY, XYZ, or XYZM).
  • New public methods on LineString and LinearRing
    • toVector, combineVector, fromVector
    • map, foldr, foldMap (as they are nolonger Foldable, Functor, or Traversable)


1.3.1 -> 1.3.3

  • Fixed Validation dependency.

1.2.0 -> 1.3.0


1.1.1 -> 1.2.0

  • Added the LineString data type for use with GeoLine, now a GeoLine with less than 2 positions is a type error or a parse error, as it should be according to the [spec] ( “LineString in the GeoJSON v1.0 spec”)


1.1.0 -> 1.1.1

  • Just some version bumps, the lens version bounds for the transformer library (<0.4) were causing some conflicts.

1.0.1 -> 1.1.0

  • Corrected an issue with the Polygon ([here] ( “Polygon Issue”))
    • Introduced the LinearRing datatype to handle the LinearRings described in the spec.
      • Valid JSON for a LinearRing contains at least 4 points (this is checked, parsing fails if the list is too short) and the last element should match the first, but this isnt checked due to performance issues with the current implementation (though its a resolvable issue)).
      • A LinearRing can be converted to a List with fromLinearRing or you can just fold/traverse over it.
      • Creating a LinearRing can be done with one of these:
        • makeLinearRing :: a -> a -> a -> [a] -> LinearRing a
        • fromList and fromListWithEqCheck, which will return a Validate result (see the type sigs) and [Data.Validation] ( “Data.Validation”)


0.0.2 -> 1.0.0

  • Migrated from json to aeson, all JSON instances were removed and replaced with ToJSON and FromJSON instances
  • GeoFeature and GeoFeatureCollection are now of kind * -> *, parameterised on the Property type, GeoFeature a and GeoFeatureCollection a are in ToJSON and/or FromJSON if a is in ToJSON and/or FromJSON respectively.
  • Lenses and prisms have been generated for each of the types.
  • Orphan Instances were removed. Orphan Instances are bad. Breaking type class coherency had some rather annoying consequences, you only need to import Data.Geospatial now and the ToJSON and FromJSON instances will come with it. I wanted to split up the files and thought seperating the instances from the declarations was a good idea but it wasnt. Instead I split the data types into seperate modules and kept the instances with their respective data type declarations.