Native Haskell implementation of Avro

This is a Haskell Avro library useful for decoding
and encoding Avro data structures. Avro can be thought of as a serialization
format and RPC specification which induces three separable tasks:
- Serialization/Deserialization - This library has been used “in anger” for:
- Deserialization of avro container files
- Serialization/deserialization Avro messages to/from Kafka topics
- RPC - There is currently no support for Avro RPC in this library.
Generating code from Avro schema
The preferred method to use Avro is to be “schema first”.
This library supports this idea by providing the ability to generate all the necessary entries (types, class instances, etc.) from Avro schemas.
import Data.Avro
import Data.Avro.Deriving (deriveAvroFromByteString, r)
deriveAvroFromByteString [r|
"name": "Person",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "fullName", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "age", "type": "int" },
{ "name": "gender",
"type": { "name": "Gender", "type": "enum", "symbols": ["Male", "Female"] }
{ "name": "ssn", "type": ["null", "string"] }
This code will generate the following entries:
data Gender = GenderMale | GenderFemale
schema'Gender :: Schema
schema'Gender = ...
data Person = Person
{ personFullName :: Text
, personAge :: Int32
, personGender :: Gender,
, personSsn :: Maybe Text
schema'Person :: Schema
schema'Person = ...
As well as all the useful instances for these types: Eq
, Show
, Generic
, noticing HasAvroSchema
, FromAvro
and ToAvro
See Data.Avro.Deriving
module for more options like code generation from Avro schemas in files, specifying strictness and prefixes, etc.
Using Avro with existing Haskell types
Note: This is an advanced topic. Prefer generating from schemas unless it is required to make Avro work with manually defined Haskell types.
In this section we assume that the following Haskell type is manually defined:
data Person = Person
{ fullName :: Text
, age :: Int32
, ssn :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
For a Haskell type to be encodable to Avro it should have ToAvro
instance, and to be decodable from Avro it should have FromAvro
There is also HasAvroSchema
class that is useful to have an instance of (although it is not required strictly speaking).
Creating a schema
A schema can still be generated using TH:
schema'Person :: Schema
schema'Person = $(makeSchemaFromByteString [r|
"name": "Person",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "fullName", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "age", "type": "int" },
{ "name": "ssn", "type": ["null", "string"] }
Alternatively schema can be defined manually:
import Data.Avro
import Data.Avro.Schema.Schema (mkUnion)
schema'Person :: Schema
schema'Person =
Record "Person" [] Nothing
[ fld "fullName" (String Nothing) Nothing
, fld "age" (Int Nothing) Nothing
, fld "ssn" (mkUnion $ Null :| [(String Nothing)]) Nothing
fld nm ty def = Field nm [] Nothing Nothing ty def
NOTE: When Schema is created separately to a data type there is no way to guarantee that the schema actually matches the type. It will be up to a developer to make sure of that.
Prefer generating data types with Data.Avro.Deriving
when possible.
Instantiating FromAvro
When working with FromAvro
directly it is important to understand the difference between Schema
and ReadSchema
(as in the example above) is just a regular data schema for an Avro type.
is a similar type, but it is capable of captuting and resolving differences between “writer schema” and “reader schema”. See Specification to learn more about schema resolution and de-conflicting.
class requires ReaderSchema
because with Avro it is possible to read data with a different schema compared to the schema that was used for writing this data.
can be obtained by converting an existing Schema
with readSchemaFromSchema
function, or by actually deconflicting two schemas using deconflict
Another important fact is that field’s values in Avro payload are written and read in order with how these fields are defined in the schema.
This fact can be exploited in writing FromAvro
instance for Person
import Data.Avro.Encoding.FromAvro (FromAvro (..))
import qualified Data.Avro.Encoding.FromAvro as FromAvro
instance FromAvro Person where
fromAvro (FromAvro.Record _schema vs) = Person
<$> fromAvro (vs Vector.! 0)
<*> fromAvro (vs Vector.! 1)
<*> fromAvro (vs Vector.! 2)
Fields resolution by name can be performed here (since we have reference to the schema). But in this case it is simpler (and faster) to exploit the fact that the order of values is known and to access required values by their positions.
Instantiating ToAvro
class is defined as
class ToAvro a where
toAvro :: Schema -> a -> Builder
A Schema
is provided to help with disambiguating how exactly the specified value should be encoded.
For example, UTCTime
can be encoded as milliseconds or as microseconds depending on schema’s logical type accordig to Specification:
instance ToAvro UTCTime where
toAvro s = case s of
Long (Just TimestampMicros) ->
toAvro @Int64 s . fromIntegral . utcTimeToMicros
Long (Just TimestampMillis)) ->
toAvro @Int64 s . fromIntegral . utcTimeToMillis
instance for Person
data type from the above could look like:
import Data.Avro.Encoding.ToAvro (ToAvro(..), record, ((.=)))
instance ToAvro Person where
toAvro schema value =
record schema
[ "fullName" .= fullName value
, "age" .= age value
, "ssn" .= ssn value
helper function is responsible for propagaing individual fields’ schemas (found in the provided schema
) when toAvro
’ing nested values.
Type mapping
Full list can be found in ToAvro
and FromAvro
This library provides the following conversions between Haskell types and Avro types:
Haskell type |
Avro type |
() |
“null” |
Bool |
“boolean” |
Int, Int64 |
“long” |
Int32 |
“int” |
Double |
“double” |
Text |
“string” |
ByteString |
“bytes” |
Maybe a |
[“null”, “a”] |
Either a b |
[“a”, “b”] |
Identity a |
[“a”] |
Map Text a |
{ “type”: “map”, “value”: “a” } |
Map String a |
{ “type”: “map”, “value”: “a” } |
HashMap Text a |
{ “type”: “map”, “value”: “a” } |
HashMap String a |
{ “type”: “map”, “value”: “a” } |
[a] |
{ “type”: “array”, “value”: “a” } |
UTCTime |
{ “type”: “long”, “logicalType”: “timestamp-millis” } |
UTCTime |
{ “type”: “long”, “logicalType”: “timestamp-micros” } |
LocalTime |
{ “type”: “long”, “logicalType”: “local-timestamp-millis” } |
LocalTime |
{ “type”: “long”, “logicalType”: “local-timestamp-micros” } |
DiffTime |
{ “type”: “int”, “logicalType”: “time-millis” } |
DiffTime |
{ “type”: “long”, “logicalType”: “time-micros” } |
Day |
{ “type”: “int”, “logicalType”: “date” } |
{ “type”: “string”, “logicalType”: “uuid” } |
User defined data types should provide HasAvroSchema
/ ToAvro
/ FromAvro
instances to be encoded/decoded to/from Avro.