Pushes and retrieves aeson Values to and from the Lua stack.
Null values are encoded as light userdata containing the
@NULL@ pointer.
Objects are converted to string-indexed tables.
Arrays are converted to sequence tables and are given a
metatable. This makes it possible to distinguish between empty
arrays and empty objects. The metatable is stored in the
registry under key HsLua JSON array.
JSON numbers are converted to Lua numbers, i.e., Lua.Number;
the exact C type may vary, depending on compile-time Lua
This project is licensed under the MIT license, the same license
under which hslua and lua itself are published. See the
LICENSE file for details.
Export jsonarray, which is the name of the registry slot
holding the metatable given to array tables. Setting the
corresponding registry value will affect all newly created
array values.
Released 2022-06-16.
Relaxed upper bound for mtl, allowing mtl-2.3.
Relaxed upper bound for aeson, allowing aeson-2.1.
Released 2022-02-19.
Relaxed upper bound for hslua-core and hslua-marshalling,
allowing version 2.2 of both packages.
Released 2022-01-29.
Update to hslua 2.1.
Encode null as light userdata: The NULL pointer wrapped
into a light userdata is used to encode the JSON null value.
The pushNull function has been removed; use
pushValue Null instead.
Types that are instances of ToJSON and FromJSON can be
marshalled/unmarshalled by using the new functions
pushViaJSON and peekViaJSON, respectively.
The functions peekVector, pushVector, peekScientific,
pushScientific, peekKeyMap, and pushKeyMap are
considered an implementation detail and are no longer
Array elements are now marked with a metatable. This avoids
the need for an extra 0 element in the table and offers
flexibility for users who want to give special behavior to
lists. The newly exported value jsonarray contains the name
of the registry slot under which the metatable is stored. The
table can be modified or replaced as required.
Released 2021-12-28.
Restored compatibility with aeson 1.5.
Released 2021-12-17.
Changed module name from Foreign.Lua.Aeson to
The Peekable and Pushable instances have been removed. The
package no longer defines orphaned instances.
Updated hslua and aeson to the respective 2.0 version.
Released 2020-10-16.
Allow hslua-1.3.*.
Released 2020-08-15.
Relaxed version constraint for hslua, allowing hslua-1.2.*.
Released 2020-05-28
Relaxed version constraint for aeson, allowing aeson-1.5.*.
Update CI tests to check with GHC versions 8.0 through 8.10.
Compilation with GHC 7.10 is no longer tested.
Bump to stackage LTS-14.
Released 2020-04-03
Relax version constraint for packages hashable and hslua,
allow hashable-1.3 and hslua-1.1.*.
Released 2019-09-24.
Update to hslua 1.0.0
Function registerNull has been replaced by pushNull.
Using pushNull has the advantage that users won’t have to
remember to register a special variable. Users who need a
global variable can set it by running