Result is now an instance of Foldable and Traversable.
Both Result and Peek are made instances of MonadPlus.
Require hslua-core-2.2.0.
Released 29-01-2022.
Updated to hslua-core-2.1.0.
The Success constructor of the Result type is now strict;
the Failure constructor remains lazy.
The stack is checked before pushing or retrieving nested
structures: Pushing or peeking a deeply nested structure could
lead an overflow of the Lua stack. The functions pushList,
pushSet, and pushKeyValuePairs, as well as peekList,
peekSet, and peekKeyValuePairs now check that sufficient
stack space is available before pushing another value to the
The function toByteString now requires a slot on the stack
if the value at the given index is a number. It checks for
available space before pushing to the stack, returning
Nothing if no space is left on the stack.
The withContext function is made more useful and now
differs from retrieving. The string “retrieving” is added
to the error context by retrieving, so withContext allows
to define contexts without this prefix.
New convenience function pushAsTable, making it easier to
define a pusher function for values marshaled as tables.
Released 2021-11-04.
Allow pushIterator to skip values: If the function that
pushes the values of a list item signals that it didn’t push
any values, then that value will be skipped.
Released 2021-10-21.
Initially created. Contains modules previously found in the
modules Foreign.Lua.Peek and Foreign.Lua.Push from
Removed most functions from the Userdata module,
incl. peekAny, pushAny. The functions don’t add much value
over those in HsLua.Core.Userdata. Use UDTypes from
hslua-packaging for a more comfortable method of exposing data
via userdata values.