#+TITLE: Amazon Web Services for Haskell
* Introduction
The ~aws~ package attempts to provide support for using Amazon Web Services like S3 (storage), SQS (queuing) and others
to Haskell programmers. The ultimate goal is to support all Amazon Web Services.
* Installation
Make sure you have a recent GHC installed, as well as cabal-install, and installation should be as easy as:
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
$ cabal install aws
If you prefer to install from source yourself, you should first get a clone of the ~aws~ repository, and install it from
inside the source directory:
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
$ git clone https://github.com/aristidb/aws.git
$ cd aws
$ cabal install
* Using aws
** Concepts and organisation
The aws package is organised into the general =Aws= module namespace, and subnamespaces like =Aws.S3= for each Amazon Web
Service. Under each service namespace in turn, there are general support modules and and =Aws.<Service>.Commands.<Command>=
module for each command. For easier usage, there are the "bundling" modules =Aws= (general support), and =Aws.<Service>=.
The primary concept in aws is the /Transaction/, which corresponds to a single HTTP request to the Amazon Web Services.
A transaction consists of a request and a response, which are associated together via the =Transaction= typeclass. Requests
and responses are simple Haskell records, but for some requests there are convenience functions to fill in default values
for many parameters.
** Example usage
To be able to access AWS resources, you should put your into a configuration file. (You don't have to store it in a file,
but that's how we do it in this example.) Save the following in ~$HOME/.aws-keys~.
default AccessKeyID SecretKey
You do have to replace AccessKeyID and SecretKey with the Access Key ID and the Secret Key respectively, of course.
Then, copy this example into a Haskell file, and run it with ~runghc~ (after installing aws):
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Aws
import qualified Aws.S3 as S3
import Data.Conduit (($$+-))
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sinkFile)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (withManager, responseBody)
main :: IO ()
main = do
{- Set up AWS credentials and the default configuration. -}
cfg <- Aws.baseConfiguration
let s3cfg = Aws.defServiceConfig :: S3.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
{- Set up a ResourceT region with an available HTTP manager. -}
withManager $ \mgr -> do
{- Create a request object with S3.getObject and run the request with pureAws. -}
S3.GetObjectResponse { S3.gorResponse = rsp } <-
Aws.pureAws cfg s3cfg mgr $
S3.getObject "haskell-aws" "cloud-remote.pdf"
{- Save the response to a file. -}
responseBody rsp $$+- sinkFile "cloud-remote.pdf"
You can also find this example in the source distribution in the ~Examples/~ folder.
* Frequently Asked Questions
** S3 questions
- I get an error when I try to access my bucket with upper-case characters / a very long name.
Those names are not compliant with DNS. You need to use path-style requests, by setting ~s3RequestStyle~ in the configuration to
~PathStyle~. Note that such bucket names are only allowed in the US standard region, so your endpoint needs to be US standard.
* Release Notes
** 0.12 series
- 0.12.1
- DDB: Fix eu-west-1, add eu-central-1
- attoparsec 0.13
- xml-conduit 1.3
- 0.12
- S3: Support for "Expect: 100-continue" (optional, technically API breaking)
- S3: Properly treat errors with a "301 Permanent Redirect" as errors and expose endpoint information
** 0.11 series
- 0.11.4
- Url-encode S3 object names in URLs
- filepath 1.4
- tagged 0.8.x
- limit errors to <2 to avoid compatibility problems
- 0.11.3
- Support for blaze-builder 0.4
- Support for utf8-string 1.0
- New function: multipartUploadWithInitiator
- Fix issue in DynamoDB error parsing
- Ord instance for Aws.Core.Method
- 0.11.2
- Support for time 1.5 (we previously forgot to relax the upper bound in Cabal)
- 0.11.1
- Support time 1.5
- Fix duplicate sending of query when using PostQuery
- 0.11
- New functions for running AWS transactions
- Performance optimizations for DynamoDB and S3 MultiPartUpload
- New DynamoDB commands & features
- S3 endpoint eu-central-1
** 0.10 series
- 0.10.5
- support for conduit 1.2
- 0.10.4
- S3: support for multi-part uploads
- DynamoDB: fixes for JSON serialization
WARNING: This includes making some fields in TableDescription Maybe fields, which is breaking. But DynamoDB support was
and is also marked as EXPERIMENTAL.
- DynamoDB: TCP connection reuse where possible (improving performance)
- DynamoDB: Added test suite
- SES: support for additional regions
- 0.10.3
- fix bug introduced in 0.10.2 that broke SQS and IAM connections without STS
- 0.10.2
- support STS / IAM temporary credentials in all services
- 0.10
- [EXPERIMENTAL!] DynamoDB: support for creating/updating/querying and scanning items
- SQS: complete overhaul to support 2012-11-05 features
- SQS: test suite
- S3: use Maybe for 404 HEAD requests on objects instead of throwing a misleading exception
- S3: support of poAutoMakeBucket for Internet Archive users
- S3: implement GetBucketLocation
- S3: add South American region
- S3: allow specifying the Content-Type when copying objects
- core: fix typo in NoCredentialsException accessor
** 0.9 series
- 0.9.4
- allow conduit 1.2
- 0.9.3
- fix performance regression for loadCredentialsDefault
- add generic makeCredentials function
- add S3 DeleteBucket operation
- add S3 NukeBucket example
- SES: use security token if enabled (should allow using it with IAM roles on EC2 instances)
- 0.9.2
- Support for credentials from EC2 instance metadata (only S3 for now)
- aeson 0.8 compatibility
- 0.9.1
- Support for multi-page S3 GetBucket requests
- S3 GLACIER support
- Applicative instance for Response to conform to the Applicative-Monad Proposal
- Compatibility with transformers 0.4
- 0.9
- Interface changes:
- attempt and failure were deprecated, remove
- switch to new cryptohash interface
- updated version bounds of conduit and xml-conduit
** 0.8 series
- 0.8.6
- move Instance metadata functions out of ResourceT to remove problem with exceptions-0.5
(this makes a fresh install of aws on a clean system possible again)
- 0.8.5
- compatibility with case-insensitive 1.2
- support for V4 signatures
- experimental support for DynamoDB
- 0.8.4
- compatibility with http-conduit 2.0
- 0.8.3
- compatibility with cryptohash 0.11
- experimental IAM support
- 0.8.2
- compatibility with cereal 0.4.x
- 0.8.1
- compatibility with case-insensitive 1.1
- 0.8.0
- S3, SQS: support for US-West2 (#58)
- S3: GetObject now has support for Content-Range (#22, #50)
- S3: GetBucket now supports the "IsTruncated" flag (#39)
- S3: PutObject now supports web page redirects (#46)
- S3: support for (multi-object) DeleteObjects (#47, #56)
- S3: HeadObject now uses an actual HEAD request (#53)
- S3: fixed signing issues for GetObject call (#54)
- SES: support for many more operations (#65, #66, #70, #71, #72, #74)
- SES: SendRawEmail now correctly encodes destinations and allows multiple destinations (#73)
- EC2: support fo Instance metadata (#37)
- Core: queryToHttpRequest allows overriding "Date" for the benefit of Chris Dornan's Elastic Transcoder bindings (#77)
** 0.7 series
- CryptoHash update
- In addition to supporting http-conduit 1.9, it would seem nice to support conduit 1.0. Previously slipped through the radar.
- Support for http-conduit 1.9
- Support for case-insensitive 1.0 and http-types 0.8
- 0.7.6
- Parsing of SimpleDB error responses was too strict, fixed
- Support for cryptohash 0.8
- Failure 0.1 does not work with aws, stricter lower bound
- 0.7.5
- Support for http-conduit 1.7 and 1.8
- 0.7.1-0.7.4
- Support for GHC 7.6
- Wider constraints to support newer versions of various dependencies
- Update maintainer e-mail address and project categories in cabal file
- 0.7.0
- Change ServiceConfiguration concept so as to indicate in the type whether this is for URI-only requests
(i.e. awsUri)
- EXPERIMENTAL: Direct support for iterated transaction, i.e. such where multiple HTTP requests might be necessary due to e.g. response size limits.
- Put aws functions in ResourceT to be able to safely return Sources and streams.
- simpleAws* does not require ResourceT and converts streams into memory values (like ByteStrings) first.
- Log response metadata (level Info), and do not let all aws runners return it.
- S3:
- GetObject: No longer require a response consumer in the request, return the HTTP response (with the body as a stream) instead.
- Add CopyObject (PUT Object Copy) request type.
- Add Examples cabal flag for building code examples.
- Many more, small improvements.
** 0.6 series
- 0.6.2
- Properly parse Last-Modified header in accordance with RFC 2616.
- 0.6.1
- Fix for MD5 encoding issue in S3 PutObject requests.
- 0.6.0
- API Cleanup
- General: Use Crypto.Hash.MD5.MD5 when a Content-MD5 hash is required, instead of ByteString.
- S3: Made parameter order to S3.putObject consistent with S3.getObject.
- Updated dependencies:
- conduit 0.5 (as well as http-conduit 1.5 and xml-conduit 1.0).
- http-types 0.7.
- Minor changes.
- Internal changes (notable for people who want to add more commands):
- http-types' new 'QueryLike' interface allows creating query lists more conveniently.
** 0.5 series
- 0.5.0 ::
New configuration system: configuration split into general and service-specific parts.
Significantly improved API reference documentation.
Re-organised modules to make library easier to understand.
Smaller improvements.
** 0.4 series
- 0.4.1 :: Documentation improvements.
- :: Change dependency bounds to allow the transformers 0.3 package.
- 0.4.0 :: Update conduit to 0.4.0, which is incompatible with earlier versions.
** 0.3 series
- 0.3.2 :: Add awsRef / simpleAwsRef request variants for those who prefer an =IORef= over a =Data.Attempt.Attempt= value.
Also improve README and add simple example.
* Resources
- [[https://github.com/aristidb/aws][aws on Github]]
- [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws][aws on Hackage]] (includes reference documentation)
- [[http://aws.amazon.com/][Official Amazon Web Services website]]
* Contributors
| Name | Github | E-Mail | Company | Components |
| Abhinav Gupta | [[https://github.com/abhinav][abhinav]] |
[email protected] | - | IAM, SES |
| Aristid Breitkreuz | [[https://github.com/aristidb][aristidb]] |
[email protected] | - | Co-Maintainer |
| Bas van Dijk | [[https://github.com/basvandijk][basvandijk]] |
[email protected] | [[http://erudify.ch][Erudify AG]] | S3 |
| David Vollbracht | [[https://github.com/qxjit][qxjit]] | | | |
| Felipe Lessa | [[https://github.com/meteficha][meteficha]] |
[email protected] | currently secret | Core, S3, SES |
| Nathan Howell | [[https://github.com/NathanHowell][NathanHowell]] |
[email protected] | [[http://www.alphaheavy.com][Alpha Heavy Industries]] | S3 |
| Ozgun Ataman | [[https://github.com/ozataman][ozataman]] |
[email protected] | [[http://soostone.com][Soostone Inc]] | Core, S3, DynamoDb |
| Steve Severance | [[https://github.com/sseveran][sseveran]] |
[email protected] | [[http://www.alphaheavy.com][Alpha Heavy Industries]] | S3, SQS |
| John Wiegley | [[https://github.com/jwiegley][jwiegley]] |
[email protected] | [[http://fpcomplete.com][FP Complete]] | Co-Maintainer, S3 |
| Chris Dornan | [[https://github.com/cdornan][cdornan]] |
[email protected] | [[http://irisconnect.co.uk][Iris Connect]] | Core |
| John Lenz | [[https://github/com/wuzzeb][wuzzeb]] | | | DynamoDB, Core |