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Within LTS Haskell 22.18 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. defaultLayout :: Yesod site => WidgetFor site () -> HandlerFor site Html

    yesod-core Yesod.Core

    Applies some form of layout to the contents of a page.

  2. defaultLayout :: Yesod site => WidgetFor site () -> HandlerFor site Html

    classy-prelude-yesod ClassyPrelude.Yesod

    Applies some form of layout to the contents of a page.

  3. defaultLayout :: Yesod site => WidgetFor site () -> HandlerFor site Html

    hledger-web Hledger.Web.Import

    Applies some form of layout to the contents of a page.

  4. defaultLayout :: HasTemplates m hs => ControllerT hs m (Maybe Template)

    simple Web.Simple.Templates

    The layout to use by default. Layouts are just templates that embed views. They are rendered with the a global object containing the rendered view in the "yield" field, and the object the view was rendered with in the "page" field. By default, no template is used.

  5. defaultLayoutOptions :: LayoutOptions

    optparse-applicative Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty

    The default layout options, suitable when you just want some output, and don’t particularly care about the details. Used by the Show instance, for example.

    >>> defaultLayoutOptions
    LayoutOptions {layoutPageWidth = AvailablePerLine 80 1.0}

  6. defaultLayoutOptions :: LayoutOptions

    prettyprinter Prettyprinter

    The default layout options, suitable when you just want some output, and don’t particularly care about the details. Used by the Show instance, for example.

    >>> defaultLayoutOptions
    LayoutOptions {layoutPageWidth = AvailablePerLine 80 1.0}

  7. defaultLayoutOptions :: LayoutOptions

    prettyprinter Prettyprinter.Internal

    The default layout options, suitable when you just want some output, and don’t particularly care about the details. Used by the Show instance, for example.

    >>> defaultLayoutOptions
    LayoutOptions {layoutPageWidth = AvailablePerLine 80 1.0}

  8. defaultLayoutJson :: (Yesod site, ToJSON a) => WidgetFor site () -> HandlerFor site a -> HandlerFor site TypedContent

    yesod-core Yesod.Core.Json

    Provide both an HTML and JSON representation for a piece of data, using the default layout for the HTML output (defaultLayout).

  9. defaultLayoutJson :: (Yesod site, ToJSON a) => WidgetFor site () -> HandlerFor site a -> HandlerFor site TypedContent

    classy-prelude-yesod ClassyPrelude.Yesod

    Provide both an HTML and JSON representation for a piece of data, using the default layout for the HTML output (defaultLayout).

  10. defaultLayoutJson :: (Yesod site, ToJSON a) => WidgetFor site () -> HandlerFor site a -> HandlerFor site TypedContent

    hledger-web Hledger.Web.Import

    Provide both an HTML and JSON representation for a piece of data, using the default layout for the HTML output (defaultLayout).

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