Converting to/from HTTP API data like URL pieces, headers and query parameters.
LTS Haskell 23.9: | 0.6.1@rev:1 |
Stackage Nightly 2025-02-17: | 0.6.1@rev:1 |
Latest on Hackage: | 0.6.1@rev:1 |
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Module documentation for 0.6.1
Depends on 13 packages(full list with versions):
Used by 27 packages in nightly-2024-12-07(full list with versions):
advent-of-code-api, base64-bytestring-type, bcp47-orphans, envelope, http-api-data-qq, http-link-header, keyed-vals, keyed-vals-hspec-tests, miso, mysql-json-table, password-instances, persistent, persistent-mongoDB, persistent-redis, persistent-test, persistent-typed-db, req, reroute, servant, servant-checked-exceptions, servant-checked-exceptions-core, servant-server, telegram-bot-api, telegram-bot-simple, typed-uuid, webgear-core, webgear-server