Haskell bindings for controlling WLED devices, with a focus on Octolamps
Introduction 💡
This Haskell library provides a convenient interface for interacting with WLED devices, particularly those based on the popular Octolamp design. It leverages the WLED API (https://kno.wled.ge/) to allow you to control various aspects of your LED lights, including:
Color: Set the color of your lights using various color spaces (RGB, HSV, etc.)
Brightness: Adjust the overall brightness of your lights
Installation ⚙️
# Using cabal
cabal add wled-json
# Using stack
stack add wled-json
Usage 📲
import Control.Concurrent
import WLED.Device
import WLED.Octocat.Flags (france)
import WLED.Types
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Connect to a WLED device
lampState <- getLampState wledUrl
case lampState of
Left errMsg -> putStrLn errMsg
Right initialState -> do
-- Display the French flag on an Octolamp
_ <- setLampState wledUrl france
-- Just sleep one second
threadDelay 1000000
-- Restore the initial state
Right currentState <- getLampState wledUrl
_ <- setLampState wledUrl (diff currentState initialState)
pure ()
wledUrl = ""
Features 👍
Comprehensive WLED API coverage
Type-safe interactions
Easy-to-use API
Specific support for Octolamps
Contributing 🤝
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.