BSD-3-Clause licensed by George Wilson
This version can be pinned in stack with:sv-core-0.4.1@sha256:272483bd84e5e240c9747278ca1917479ce53940d56e2756401b9341a4a60016,4178
Module documentation for 0.4.1
Depends on 22 packages
(full list with versions ) :
attoparsec ,
base ,
bifunctors ,
bytestring ,
containers ,
contravariant ,
deepseq ,
double-conversion ,
lens ,
mtl ,
parsec ,
profunctors ,
readable ,
semigroupoids ,
semigroups ,
text ,
transformers ,
trifecta ,
utf8-string ,
validation ,
vector ,
sv-core is the decoding and encoding for the
sv CSV library. This is split
off into its own package so that one swap out sv's parser without incurring
a dependency on the default parser
(hw-dsv )
For an example, see sv-cassava
Revision history for sv-core
0.4.1 – 2019-04-02
Add displayErrors
, which pretty prints DecodeErrors
Add dieOnError
, which calls exitFailure
in the case of DecodeErrors
0.4 – 2019-01-14
Use attoparsec for decoding in double
, which is faster and more accurate
Deprecate rational
decoder. double
is now better in both speed and
Add doubleFast
, a fast and correct way to render doubles. The only
downside is that it does not satisfy a round-trip property with any
0.3.1 – 2019-01-04
Add read
and read'
0.3 – 2018-09-26
Re-release 0.2.2 as 0.3 due to a change in error messages that
broke sv’s tests
0.2.2 – 2018-08-23
Add rational
and withTextReadable
can be more accurate than double
but is slower.
0.2.1 – 2018-08-10
Add column-name-based encoding. NameEncode, NameEncode’, and
related functions
0.2 – 2018-07-25
Add column-name-based decoding NameDecode, NameDecode’, and associated
functions such as ‘column’.
Add some extra constructors to DecodeError for new errors
0.1 – 2018-07-19
Stackage is a service provided by the
Haskell Foundation
│ Originally developed by
FP Complete