A reusable library providing the core functionality of hledger
Version on this page: | 1.18.1 |
LTS Haskell 23.8: | 1.40@rev:1 |
Stackage Nightly 2025-02-13: | 1.41 |
Latest on Hackage: | 1.41 |
Module documentation for 1.18.1
- Hledger
- Hledger.Data
- Hledger.Data.Account
- Hledger.Data.AccountName
- Hledger.Data.Amount
- Hledger.Data.Commodity
- Hledger.Data.Dates
- Hledger.Data.Journal
- Hledger.Data.Json
- Hledger.Data.Ledger
- Hledger.Data.Period
- Hledger.Data.PeriodicTransaction
- Hledger.Data.Posting
- Hledger.Data.RawOptions
- Hledger.Data.StringFormat
- Hledger.Data.Timeclock
- Hledger.Data.Transaction
- Hledger.Data.TransactionModifier
- Hledger.Data.Types
- Hledger.Data.Valuation
- Hledger.Query
- Hledger.Read
- Hledger.Reports
- Hledger.Utils
- Hledger.Data
- Text
- Text.Tabular
A reusable library containing hledger’s core functionality. This is used by most hledger* packages so that they support the same common file formats, command line options, reports etc.
See also: the project README and home page.
Internal/api/developer-ish changes in the hledger-lib (and hledger) packages. For user-visible changes, see the hledger package changelog.
1.18.1 2020-06-21
- fix some doc typos (Martin Michlmayr)
1.18 2020-06-07
added: getHledgerCliOpts’, takes an explicit argument list
added: toJsonText
changed: isNegativeMixedAmount now gives an answer for multi-commodity amounts which are all negative
changed: multiBalanceReport now gets the query from ReportOpts (Dmitry Astapov)
renamed: isZeroAmount -> amountLooksZero isReallyZeroAmount -> amountIsZero isZeroMixedAmount -> mixedAmountLooksZero isReallyZeroMixedAmount -> mixedAmountIsZero isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost dropped
renamed: finaliseJournal -> journalFinalise
renamed: fixedlotpricep -> lotpricep, now also parses non-fixed lot prices
dropped: transactionPostingBalances
dropped: outputflags no longer exported by Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
fixed: documentation for journalExpenseAccountQuery (Pavan Rikhi)
1.17.1 2020-03-19
require newer Decimal, math-functions libs to ensure consistent rounding behaviour, even when built with old GHCs/snapshots. hledger uses banker’s rounding (rounds to nearest even number, eg 0.5 displayed with zero decimal places is “0”).
added: debug helpers traceAt, traceAtWith
Journal is now a Semigroup, not a Monoid (since <> is right-biased). (Stephen Morgan) 2020-03-01
- fix org heading comments and doctest setup comment that were breaking haddock (and in some cases, installation)
1.17 2020-03-01
Reader-finding utilities have moved from Hledger.Read to Hledger.Read.JournalReader so the include directive can use them.
Reader changes:
- rExperimental flag removed
- old rParser renamed to rReadFn
- new rParser field provides the actual parser. This seems to require making Reader a higher-kinded type, unfortunately.
Hledger.Tabular.AsciiWide now renders smoother outer borders in pretty (unicode) mode. Also, a fix for table edges always using single-width intersections and support for double horizontal lines with single vertical lines. (Eric Mertens)
Hledger.Utils.Parse: restofline can go to eof also
Hledger.Read cleanup
Hledger.Read.CsvReader cleanup Exports added: CsvRecord, CsvValue, csvFileFor. Exports removed: expandIncludes, parseAndValidateCsvRules, transactionFromCsvRecord
more cleanup of amount canonicalisation helpers (#1187) Stop exporting journalAmounts, overJournalAmounts, traverseJournalAmounts. Rename journalAmounts helper to journalStyleInfluencingAmounts.
export mapMixedAmount
Don’t store leaf name in PeriodReport. (Stephen Morgan) Calculate at the point of consumption instead.
Generalise PeriodicReport to be polymorphic in the account labels. (Stephen Morgan)
Use records instead of tuples in PeriodicReport. (Stephen Morgan)
Use PeriodicReport in place of MultiBalanceReport. (Stephen Morgan)
Calculate MultiReportBalance columns more efficiently. (Stephen Morgan) Only calculate posting date once for each posting, and calculate their columns instead of checking each DateSpan separately.
Moved JSON instances from hledger-web to hledger-lib (Hledger.Data.Json), and added ToJSON instances for all (?) remaining data types, up to Ledger.
Dropped nullassertion’s “assertion” alias, fixing a warning. Perhaps we’ll stick with the null* naming convention.
1.16.2 2020-01-14
- add support for megaparsec 8 (#1175)
1.16.1 2019-12-03
Drop unnecessary mtl-compat dependency
Fix building with GHC 8.0, 8.2
1.16 2019-12-01
drop support for GHC 7.10, due to MonadFail hassles in JournalReader.hs
add support for GHC 8.8, base-compat 0.11 (#1090)
We are now using the new fail from the MonadFail class, which we always import qualified as Fail.fail, from base-compat-batteries Control.Monad.Fail.Compat to work with old GHC versions. If old fail is needed (shouldn’t be) it should be imported qualified as Prelude.Fail, using imports such as:
import Prelude hiding (fail) import qualified Prelude (fail) import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (fail) import "base-compat-batteries" Prelude.Compat hiding (fail) import qualified "base-compat-batteries" Control.Monad.Fail.Compat as Fail
hledger and hledger-lib unit tests have been ported to tasty.
The doctest suite has been disabled for now since it doesn’t run well with cabal (#1139)
1.15.2 2019-09-05
- postingApplyValuation, mixedAmountApplyValuation, amountApplyValuation take an argument, the report end date if one was specified.
1.15.1 2019-09-02
- fix failing doctests
1.15 2019-09-01
Removals include:
- journalPrices
- BalanceHistoryReport
- postingValueAtDate
Additions include:
- MarketPrice (more pure form of PriceDirective without the amount style information)
- PriceOracle (efficient lookup of exchange rates)
- ValuationType (ways to convert amount value)
- aliasnamep (export)
- setNaturalPrecisionUpTo
- dbgNWith, ptraceAtWith
- postingTransformAmount, postingToCost, postingValue
- amountToCost, mixedAmountToCost
- valueTypeFromOpts
- mapJournalTransactions, mapJournalPostings, mapTransactionPostings
- journalStartDate, journalEndDate
- journalPriceOracle
- marketPriceReverse
- priceDirectiveToMarketPrice
- mixedAmountApplyValuation
- mixedAmountValueAtDate
Changes include:
- Price -> AmountPrice, AKA “transaction price”
- old MarketPrice -> PriceDirective
- TransactionsReport/AccountTransactionsReport split into separate files
- journalTransactionsReport -> transactionsReport
- accountTransactionsReportItems: rewrite using catMaybes and mapAccumL (Henning Thielemann)
- optionally save the current date in ReportOpts
- Hledger.Cli tests now have correct prefix; add Cli.Utils tests
- MultiBalanceReport now returns zero for row totals when in cumulative or historical mode (#329)
1.14.1 2019-03-20
- require easytest <0.3 to fix build issue
1.14 2019-03-01
transaction, [v]post*, balassert* constructors, for tests etc. -
porigin -> poriginal -
transaction balancing & balance assertion checking (#438)
1.13.1 (2019/02/02)
- stop depending on here to avoid haskell-src-meta/stackage blockage.
1.13 (2019/02/01)
in Journal’s jtxns field, forecasted txns are appended rather than prepended
API changes:
added: +setFullPrecision +setMinimalPrecision +expectParseStateOn +embedFileRelative +hereFileRelative
amultiplier -> aismultiplier
Amount fields reordered for clearer debug output
tpreceding_comment_lines -> tprecedingcomment, reordered
Hledger.Data.TransactionModifier.transactionModifierToFunction -> modifyTransactions
Hledger.Read.Common.applyTransactionModifiers -> Hledger.Data.Journal.journalModifyTransactions
HelpTemplate -> CommandDoc
1.12 (2018/12/02)
switch to megaparsec 7 (Alex Chen) We now track the stack of include files in Journal ourselves, since megaparsec dropped this feature.
add ‘ExceptT’ layer to our parser monad again (Alex Chen) We previously had a parser type, ‘type ErroringJournalParser = ExceptT String …’ for throwing parse errors without allowing further backtracking. This parser type was removed under the assumption that it would be possible to write our parser without this capability. However, after a hairy backtracking bug, we would now prefer to have the option to prevent backtracking.
- Define a ‘FinalParseError’ type specifically for the ‘ExceptT’ layer
- Any parse error can be raised as a “final” parse error
- Tracks the stack of include files for parser errors, anticipating the
removal of the tracking of stacks of include files in megaparsec 7
- Although a stack of include files is also tracked in the ‘StateT Journal’ layer of the parser, it seems easier to guarantee correct error messages in the ‘ExceptT FinalParserError’ layer
- This does not make the ‘StateT Journal’ stack redundant because the ‘ExceptT FinalParseError’ stack cannot be used to detect cycles of include files
more support for location-aware parse errors when re-parsing (Alex Chen)
make ‘includedirectivep’ an ‘ErroringJournalParser’ (Alex Chen)
drop Ord instance breaking GHC 8.6 build (Peter Simons)
flip the arguments of (divide|multiply)[Mixed]Amount
showTransaction: fix a case showing multiple missing amounts showTransaction could sometimes hide the last posting’s amount even if one of the other posting amounts was already implicit, producing invalid transaction output.
plog, plogAt: add missing newline
split up journalFinalise, reorder journal finalisation steps (#893) (Jesse Rosenthal) The
function has been split up, allowing more granular control. -
journalSetTime –> journalSetLastReadTime
journalSetFilePath has been removed, use journalAddFile instead
1.11.1 (2018/10/06)
- add, lib: fix wrong transaction rendering in balance assertion errors and when using the add command
1.11 (2018/9/30)
compilation now works when locale is unset (#849)
all unit tests have been converted from HUnit+test-framework to easytest
doctests now run quicker by default, by skipping reloading between tests. This can be disabled by passing –slow to the doctests test suite executable.
doctests test suite executable now supports –verbose, which shows progress output as tests are run if doctest 0.16.0+ is installed (and hopefully is harmless otherwise).
doctests now support file pattern arguments, provide more informative output. Limiting to just the file(s) you’re interested can make doctest start much quicker. With one big caveat: you can limit the starting files, but it always imports and tests all other local files those import.
a bunch of custom Show instances have been replaced with defaults, for easier troubleshooting. These were sometimes obscuring important details, eg in test failure output. Our new policy is: stick with default derived Show instances as far as possible, but when necessary adjust them to valid haskell syntax so pretty-show can pretty-print them (eg when they contain Day values, cf https://github.com/haskell/time/issues/101). By convention, when fields are shown in less than full detail, and/or in double-quoted pseudo syntax, we show a double period (..) in the output.
Amount has a new Show instance. Amount’s show instance hid important details by default, and showing more details required increasing the debug level, which was inconvenient. Now it has a single show instance which shows more information, is fairly compact, and is pretty-printable.
ghci> usd 1 OLD: Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=1.00, ..} NEW: Amount {acommodity = "$", aquantity = 1.00, aprice = NoPrice, astyle = AmountStyle "L False 2 Just '.' Nothing..", amultiplier = False}
MixedAmount’s show instance is unchanged, but showMixedAmountDebug is affected by this change:
ghci> putStrLn $ showMixedAmountDebug $ Mixed [usd 1] OLD: Mixed [Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=1.00, aprice=, astyle=AmountStyle {ascommodityside = L, ascommodityspaced = False, asprecision = 2, asdecimalpoint = Just '.', asdigitgroups = Nothing}}] NEW: Mixed [Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=1.00, aprice=, astyle=AmountStyle "L False 2 Just '.' Nothing.."}]
Same-line & next-line comments of transactions, postings, etc. are now parsed a bit more precisely (followingcommentp). Previously, parsing no comment gave the same result as an empty comment (a single newline); now it gives an empty string.
Also, and perhaps as a consequence of the above, when there’s no same-line comment but there is a next-line comment, we’ll insert an empty first line, since otherwise next-line comments would get moved up to the same line when rendered. -
Hledger.Utils.Test exports HasCallStack
queryDateSpan, queryDateSpan’ now intersect date AND’ed date spans instead of unioning them, and docs are clearer.
pushAccount -> pushDeclaredAccount
jaccounts -> jdeclaredaccounts
AutoTransaction.hs -> PeriodicTransaction.hs & TransactionModifier.hs
Hledger.Utils.Debug helpers have been renamed/cleaned up
1.10 (2018/6/30)
build cleanly with all supported GHC versions again (7.10 to 8.4)
support/use latest base-compat (#794)
support/require megaparsec 6.4+
extensive refactoring and cleanup of parsers and related types and utilities
readJournalFile(s) cleanup, these now use InputOpts
doctests now run a bit faster (#802)
1.9.1 (2018/4/30)
new generic PeriodicReport, and some report-related type aliases
new BudgetReport
make (readJournal|tryReader)s?WithOpts the default api, dropping “WithOpts”
automated postings and command line account aliases happen earlier in journal processing (see hledger changelog)
1.9 (2018/3/31)
support ghc 8.4, latest deps
when the system text encoding is UTF-8, ignore any UTF-8 BOM prefix found when reading files.
CompoundBalanceReport amounts are now normally positive. The bs/bse/cf/is commands now show normal income, liability and equity balances as positive. Negative numbers now indicate a contra-balance (eg an overdrawn checking account), a net loss, a negative net worth, etc. This makes these reports more like conventional financial statements, and easier to read and share with others. (experimental)
splitSpan now returns no spans for an empty datespan
don’t count periodic/modifier txns in Journal debug output
lib/ui/web/api: move embedded manual files to extra-source-files
Use skipMany/skipSome for parsing spacenonewline (Moritz Kiefer) This avoids allocating the list of space characters only to then discard it.
rename, clarify purpose of balanceReportFromMultiBalanceReport
fix some hlint warnings
add some easytest tests
1.5 (2017/12/31)
-V/–value uses today’s market prices by default, not those of last transaction date. #683, #648)
csv: allow balance assignment (balance assertion only, no amount) in csv records (Nadrieril)
journal: allow space as digit group separator character, #330 (Mykola Orliuk)
journal: balance assertion errors now show line of failed assertion posting, #481 (Sam Jeeves)
journal: better errors for directives, #402 (Mykola Orliuk)
journal: better errors for included files, #660 (Mykola Orliuk)
journal: commodity directives in parent files are inherited by included files, #487 (Mykola Orliuk)
journal: commodity directives limits precision even after -B, #509 (Mykola Orliuk)
journal: decimal point/digit group separator chars are now inferred from an applicable commodity directive or default commodity directive. #399, #487 (Mykola Orliuk)
journal: numbers are parsed more strictly (Mykola Orliuk)
journal: support Ledger-style automated postings, enabled with –auto flag (Dmitry Astapov)
journal: support Ledger-style periodic transactions, enabled with –forecast flag (Dmitry Astapov)
period expressions: fix “nth day of {week,month}”, which could generate wrong intervals (Dmitry Astapov)
period expressions: month names are now case-insensitive (Dmitry Astapov)
period expressions: stricter checking for invalid expressions (Mykola Orliuk)
period expressions: support “every 11th Nov” (Dmitry Astapov)
period expressions: support “every 2nd Thursday of month” (Dmitry Astapov)
period expressions: support “every Tuesday”, short for “every th day of week” (Dmitry Astapov)
remove upper bounds on all but hledger* and base (experimental) It’s rare that my deps break their api or that newer versions must be avoided, and very common that they release new versions which I must tediously and promptly test and release hackage revisions for or risk falling out of stackage. Trying it this way for a bit.
1.4 (2017/9/30)
add readJournalFile[s]WithOpts, with simpler arguments and support for detecting new transactions since the last read.
query: add payee: and note: query terms, improve description/payee/note docs (Jakub Zárybnický, Simon Michael, #598, #608)
journal, cli: make trailing whitespace significant in regex account aliases Trailing whitespace in the replacement part of a regular expression account alias is now significant. Eg, converting a parent account to just an account name prefix: –alias ‘/:acct:/=:acct’
timedot: allow a quantity of seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months or years to be logged as Ns, Nm, Nd, Nw, Nmo, Ny
csv: switch the order of generated postings, so account1 is first. This simplifies things and facilitates future improvements.
csv: show the “creating/using rules file” message only with –debug
csv: fix multiple includes in one rules file
csv: add “newest-first” rule for more robust same-day ordering
deps: allow ansi-terminal 0.7
deps: add missing parsec lower bound, possibly related to #596, fpco/stackage#2835
deps: drop oldtime flag, require time 1.5+
deps: remove ghc < 7.6 support, remove obsolete CPP conditionals
deps: fix test suite with ghc 8.2
1.3.1 (2017/8/25)
Fix a bug with -H showing nothing for empty periods (#583, Nicholas Niro) This patch fixes a bug that happened when using the -H option on a period without any transaction. Previously, the behavior was no output at all even though it should have shown the previous ending balances of past transactions. (This is similar to previously using -H with -E, but with the extra advantage of not showing empty accounts)
allow megaparsec 6 (#594)
allow megaparsec-6.1 (Hans-Peter Deifel)
fix test suite with Cabal 2 (#596)
1.3 (2017/6/30)
journal: The “uncleared” transaction/posting status, and associated UI flags
and keys, have been renamed to “unmarked” to remove ambiguity and
confusion. This means that we have dropped the --uncleared
and our -U
flag now matches only unmarked things and not pending
ones. See the issue and linked mail list discussion for more
background. (#564)
csv: assigning to the “balance” field name creates balance assertions (#537, Dmitry Astapov).
csv: Doubled minus signs are handled more robustly (fixes #524, Nicolas Wavrant, Simon Michael)
Multiple “status:” query terms are now OR’d together. (#564)
deps: allow megaparsec 5.3.
1.2 (2017/3/31)
journal format
A pipe character can optionally be used to delimit payee names in
transaction descriptions, for more accurate querying and pivoting by
payee. Eg, for a description like payee name | additional notes
the two parts will be accessible as pseudo-fields/tags named payee
and note
Some journal parse errors now show the range of lines involved, not just the first.
ledger format
The experimental ledger:
reader based on the WIP ledger4 project has
been disabled, reducing build dependencies.
Fix a bug when tying the knot between postings and their parent transaction, reducing memory usage by about 10% (#483) (Mykola Orliuk)
Fix a few spaceleaks (#413) (Moritz Kiefer)
Add Ledger.Parse.Text to package.yaml, fixing a potential build failure.
Allow megaparsec 5.2 (#503)
Rename optserror -> usageError, consolidate with other error functions
1.1 (2016/12/31)
journal format
balance assignments are now supported (#438, #129, #157, #288)
This feature also brings a slight performance drop (~5%); optimisations welcome.
also recognise
files as hledger journal format
ledger format
use ledger-parse from the ledger4 project as an alternate reader for C++ Ledger journals
The idea is that some day we might get better compatibility with Ledger files this way. Right now this reader is not very useful and will be used only if you explicitly select it with a
prefix. It parses transaction dates, descriptions, accounts and amounts, and ignores everything else. Amount parsing is delegated to hledger’s journal parser, and malformed amounts might be silently ignored.This adds at least some of the following as new dependencies for hledger-lib: parsers, parsec, attoparsec, trifecta.
update base lower bound to enforce GHC 7.10+
hledger-lib had a valid install plan with GHC 7.8, but currently requires GHC 7.10 to compile. Now we require base 4.8+ everywhere to ensure the right GHC version at the start.
Hledger.Read api cleanups
rename dbgIO to dbg0IO, consistent with dbg0, and document a bug in dbg*IO
make readJournalFiles [f] equivalent to readJournalFile f (#437)
more general parser types enabling reuse outside of IO (#439)
1.0.1 (2016/10/27)
- allow megaparsec 5.0 or 5.1
1.0 (2016/10/26)
timedot format
new “timedot” format for retroactive/approximate time logging.
Timedot is a plain text format for logging dated, categorised quantities (eg time), supported by hledger. It is convenient for approximate and retroactive time logging, eg when the real-time clock-in/out required with a timeclock file is too precise or too interruptive. It can be formatted like a bar chart, making clear at a glance where time was spent.
timeclock format
renamed “timelog” format to “timeclock”, matching the emacs package
sessions can no longer span file boundaries (unclocked-out
sessions will be auto-closed at the end of the file).
transaction ids now count up rather than down (#394)
timeclock files no longer support default year directives
removed old code for appending timeclock transactions to journal transactions.
A holdover from the days when both were allowed in one file.
csv format
- fix empty field assignment parsing, rule parse errors after megaparsec port (#407) (Hans-Peter Deifel)
journal format
journal files can now include timeclock or timedot files (#320)
(but not yet CSV files).
fixed an issue with ordering of same-date transactions included from other files
the “commodity” directive and “format” subdirective are now supported, allowing
full control of commodity style (#295) The commodity directive’s format subdirective can now be used to override the inferred style for a commodity, eg to increase or decrease the precision. This is at least a good workaround for #295.
Ledger-style “apply account”/“end apply account” directives are now used to set a default parent account.
the Ledger-style “account” directive is now accepted (and ignored).
bracketed posting dates are more robust (#304)
Bracketed posting dates were fragile; they worked only if you wrote full 10-character dates. Also some semantics were a bit unclear. Now they should be robust, and have been documented more clearly. This is a legacy undocumented Ledger syntax, but it improves compatibility and might be preferable to the more verbose “date:” tags if you write posting dates often (as I do). Internally, bracketed posting dates are no longer considered to be tags. Journal comment, tag, and posting date parsers have been reworked, all with doctests.
balance assertion failure messages are clearer
with –debug=2, more detail about balance assertions is shown.
file parsers have been ported from Parsec to Megaparsec \o/ (#289, #366) (Alexey Shmalko, Moritz Kiefer)
most hledger types have been converted from String to Text, reducing memory usage by 30%+ on large files
file parsers have been simplified for easier troubleshooting (#275).
The journal/timeclock/timedot parsers, instead of constructing opaque journal update functions which are later applied to build the journal, now construct the journal directly by modifying the parser state. This is easier to understand and debug. It also rules out the possibility of journal updates being a space leak. (They weren’t, in fact this change increased memory usage slightly, but that has been addressed in other ways). The ParsedJournal type alias has been added to distinguish “being-parsed” journals and “finalised” journals.
file format detection is more robust.
The Journal, Timelog and Timedot readers’ detectors now check each line in the sample data, not just the first one. I think the sample data is only about 30 chars right now, but even so this fixed a format detection issue I was seeing. Also, we now always try parsing stdin as journal format (not just sometimes).
all file formats now produce transaction ids, not just journal (#394)
git clone of the hledger repo on windows now works (#345)
added missing benchmark file (#342)
our stack.yaml files are more compatible across stack versions (#300)
use newer file-embed to fix ghci working directory dependence (https://github.com/snoyberg/file-embed/issues/18)
report more accurate dates in account transaction report when postings have their own dates
(affects hledger-ui and hledger-web registers). The newly-named “transaction register date” is the date to be displayed for that transaction in a transaction register, for some current account and filter query. It is either the transaction date from the journal (“transaction general date”), or if postings to the current account and matched by the register’s filter query have their own dates, the earliest of those posting dates.
simplify account transactions report’s running total.
The account transactions report used for hledger-ui and -web registers now gives either the “period total” or “historical total”, depending strictly on the –historical flag. It doesn’t try to indicate whether the historical total is the accurate historical balance (which depends on the user’s report query).
reloading a file now preserves the effect of options, query arguments etc.
reloading a journal should now reload all included files as well.
the Hledger.Read.* modules have been reorganised for better reuse.
Hledger.Read.Utils has been renamed Hledger.Read.Common and holds low-level parsers & utilities; high-level read utilities are now in Hledger.Read.
clarify amount display style canonicalisation code and terminology a bit.
Individual amounts still have styles; from these we derive the standard “commodity styles”. In user docs, we might call these “commodity formats” since they can be controlled by the “format” subdirective in journal files.
Journal is now a monoid
expandPath now throws a proper IO error
more unit tests, start using doctest
0.27 (2015/10/30)
The main hledger types now derive NFData, which makes it easier to time things with criterion.
Utils has been split up more.
Utils.Regex: regular expression compilation has been memoized, and memoizing versions of regexReplace[CI] have been added, since compiling regular expressions every time seems to be quite expensive (#244).
Utils.String: strWidth is now aware of multi-line strings (#242).
Read: parsers now use a consistent p suffix.
New dependencies: deepseq, uglymemo.
All the hledger packages’ cabal files are now generated from simpler, less redundant yaml files by hpack, in principle. In practice, manual fixups are still needed until hpack gets better, but it’s still a win.
0.26 (2015/7/12)
- allow year parser to handle arbitrarily large years
- Journal’s Show instance reported one too many accounts
- some cleanup of debug trace helpers
- tighten up some date and account name parsers (don’t accept leading spaces; hadddocks)
- drop regexpr dependency
0.25.1 (2015/4/29)
- support/require base-compat >0.8 (#245)
0.25 (2015/4/7)
- GHC 7.10 compatibility (#239)
0.24.1 (2015/3/15)
- fix JournalReader “ctx” compilation warning
- add some type signatures in Utils to help make ghci-web
0.24 (2014/12/25)
- fix combineJournalUpdates folding order
- fix a regexReplaceCI bug
- fix a splitAtElement bug with adjacent separators
- mostly replace slow regexpr with regex-tdfa (fixes #189)
- use the modern Text.Parsec API
- allow transformers 0.4*
- regexReplace now supports backreferences
- Transactions now remember their parse location in the journal file
- export Regexp types, disambiguate CsvReader’s similarly-named type
- export failIfInvalidMonth/Day (fixes #216)
- track the commodity of zero amounts when possible (useful eg for hledger-web’s multi-commodity charts)
- show posting dates in debug output
- more debug helpers
0.23.3 (2014/9/12)
- allow transformers 0.4*
0.23.2 (2014/5/8)
- postingsReport: also fix date sorting of displayed postings (#184)
0.23.1 (2014/5/7)
- postingsReport: with disordered journal entries, postings before the report start date could get wrongly included. (#184)
0.23 (2014/5/1)
- orDatesFrom -> spanDefaultsFrom
0.22.2 (2014/4/16)
- display years before 1000 with four digits, not three
- avoid pretty-show to build with GHC < 7.4
- allow text 1.1, drop data-pprint to build with GHC 7.8.x
0.22.1 (2014/1/6) and older: see http://hledger.org/release-notes or doc/CHANGES.md.