Haskell plugin backend for neovim
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LTS Haskell 23.9: | |
Stackage Nightly 2025-02-16: | |
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Module documentation for
- Neovim
- Neovim.API
- Neovim.Classes
- Neovim.Compat
- Neovim.Config
- Neovim.Context
- Neovim.Debug
- Neovim.Exceptions
- Neovim.Log
- Neovim.Main
- Neovim.Plugin
- Neovim.Quickfix
- Neovim.RPC
- Neovim.Test
- Neovim.Util
Neovim API for Haskell plugins as well as a plugin provider. This library and executable should provide a basis for developing plugins. This package should only contain broadly useful interfaces to write plugins for neovim in haskell. The design goal is to create an easy to use API that avoids most of the boilerplate while still retaining some sense of reliability and type safety. Since Template Haskell is used to generate the neovim bindings and to avoid some of the boilerplate handy work, some exotic operating systems and architectures may not work.
What do I have to expect if I were to use it now?
Check the issue list here on github.
How do I start using this?
First, you have to decide how you want to manage your plugins. Every section
of this chapter describes an alternative way to manage your plugins. It
starts with a list of pros and cons and then explains what you have to do to
get rolling and how you would install a nvim-hs
-compatible plguin. The
general library documentation is in the haddocks on
If you are new to Haskell development or you don’t really care how you manage
your plugins, I (saep) recommend the stack template approach.
Stack via the template
- Easy to setup because of the template
- Flexible dependency management; everything that stack supports can be done, this includes packages on stackage, packages on hackage, local packages and repositories
- Reprobucible; if it works once, it will work in the future
- If you don’t use stack just for neovim plugins and you have other projects with the same (or a similiar) lts (long term support) version, you save compilation time on the initial setup
- A bit verbose; you have to add dependencies twice if they are not in the stackage snapshot
First, you must install stack.
You have to have installed neovim and the executable nvim
must be on the path.
(The API code generation calls nvim --api-info
Afterwards, you switch to your neovim configuration folder (typically ~/.config/nvim
) and
you have to create your plugin project.
cd ~/.config/nvim
stack new my-nvim-hs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neovimhaskell/nvim-hs/master/stack-template.hsfiles –bare –omit-packages –ignore-subdirs
Now, you have to compile everything.
stack setup
stack build
If there are no errors (there shouldn’t be any), you only have to tell neovim how to start this.
Add the following to your init.vim
if has('nvim') " This way, you can also put this in your plain vim config
" function which starts a nvim-hs instance with the supplied name
function! s:RequireHaskellHost(name)
" It is important that the current working directory (cwd) is where
" your configuration files are.
return jobstart(['stack', 'exec', 'nvim-hs', a:name.name], {'rpc': v:true, 'cwd': expand('$HOME') . '/.config/nvim'})
" Register a plugin host that is started when a haskell file is opened
call remote#host#Register('haskell', "*.l\?hs", function('s:RequireHaskellHost'))
" But if you need it for other files as well, you may just start it
" forcefully by requiring it
let hc=remote#host#Require('haskell')
If you start neovim now, you can use the predefined functions from the template.
:echo NextRandom()
should print a random number.
Installing a plugin from Hackage
Let’s take nvim-hs-ghcid
as an example. Let’s also pretend, that it’s not on stackage.
We have to declare the dependency
in the my-nvim-hs.cabal
file and in the stack.yaml
file. In the .cabal
file, add nvim-hs-ghcid
to the build-depends
section. It should look
like this:
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, nvim-hs >= 0.2.0 && < 1.0.0
, nvim-hs-ghcid
You can omit the version number, since you will have to define it in the
file and you are managing you dependencies with stack anyways.
The extra-deps
section of the stack.yaml
should look like this:
- nvim-hs-ghcid-0.2.0
If nvim-hs-ghcid
depended upon any other package that is not on stackage,
you would have to add those dependencies there as well. The output of
stack build
should tell you which you have to add. You don’t have to add
these transitive dependencies to the build-depends
of the cabal file because
you are not accessing anything from these packages directly.
Adding all these explicit versions seems to be the disadvantage of using stack. However, the benefit is that you will have a reproducible build in the future and you don’t have to hunt down a working set of version boundaries for every dependency you have. A little effort now will save you more time later!
To use the plugin, add it to the plugins list of the nvim.hs
file in
import Neovim
import qualified Neovim.Example.Plugin as Example
import qualified Neovim.Ghcid as Ghcid
main :: IO ()
main = do
neovim defaultConfig
{ plugins = plugins defaultConfig ++
[ Example.plugin
, Ghcid.plugin
If you want to update a dependency/plugin, you have to manually increment the version number in the stack.yaml file and possibly fix the compilation errors that arise. If you want a rolling release for a plugin, follow the instructions for installing a plugin from git.
Installing a plugin from git
This method is best suited for plugins that update a lot and for which you need
the most recent version most of the time. This also works for plugins that do not
have a hackage release. If you don’t intend to work on the
code of that plugin repository, you can add it to the plugin list of your
plugin manager (e.g. vim-plug).
This way, you get updates if you update all your normal vim plugins.
To stay with the example of the previous section, we use the nvim-hs-ghcid
plugin again.
Add the plugin to your plugin manager (here with vim-plug as an example):
Plug 'saep/nvim-hs-ghcid', { 'for': ['haskell'] }
Once vim-plug has cloned or updated the repository, add the plugin to the
packages list of the stackage.yaml
file. The packages list should look
like this:
- .
- plugged/nvim-hs-ghcid # or the appropriate relative path the folder you configured
As long as you have the repository in this list, you don’t have to specify
it as a dependency anywhere else, you still have to add the plugins’
dependencies to the stack.yaml
file, though. It chould look like this:
- some-dependency-0.2.4
- and-another-one-
Add the plugin to the plugins list in nvim.hs
in exactly the same way as
described at the end of the previous chapter.
The downside of this approach is that your compilation times will be longer the more plugins you include this way.
Writing your own functions that you can call from neovim
The stack template generated a few files for you that you can use as a
template to write your own plugins. If you edit them and make a mistake that
the Haskell compiler can detect, an item in the quickfix list should appear.
This is, unless you removed plugins defaultConfig
from nvim.hs
Documentation, typo fixes and alike will almost always be merged.
If you want to bring forward new features or convenience libraries
for interacting with neovim, you should create an issue first. The features
of this (cabal) project should be kept small as this helps
reducing the development time. (For some tests it is
necessary to issue cabal install
, so any change to to a module can
significantly increase the compilation time.)
If your idea solves a general problem, feel free to open an issue in the
library project of nvim-hs:
- With the api of neovim 0.3.0, a function was exposed that had a reserved haskell keyword as a parameter name. The code generation did not sanitize this. This bugfix releases resolves this.
Each plugin (type) now defines an environment which is similar to how stateful plugins have been declared in previous versions. If you need multiple different environments for different functions, you can make them fields of a bigger environment or define multiple plugin values.
The type
Neovim r st a
has becomeNeovim env a
is technically equivalent to the previousr
. I was mainly motivated by this blog post:https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/06/readert-design-pattern
Only works with ghc >= 8. I removed some backwards compatibility. If you need older ghc versions, just use the previous version (0.2.5) as the feature set hasn’t really changed.
A different pretty printer library is now used and may surface at some places.
Functions do now time out after some time, 10 seconds for those that block neovim and 10 minutes for background functions.
A few types have been adjusted.
Some improvement in error reporting.
- Older versions of
may not function if some versions of a dependency are used. This version has proper bounds for the dependency and should cause a compile time failure if an incompatible version of the dependency is used (see #61).
Replace error code of remote functions to return
Either NeovimException a
instead of a generic messagepackObject
Export API functions that throw a
instead of returningEither NeovimExeception a
. -
Replace three element tuple for stateful function declaration (#53)
Add a stack template for easier setup
Exceptions from pure code are now caught (#48)
Adjust parser for output of
nvim --api-info
Adjust parser of ConfigHelper plugin
- Adjust handling of string sent by neovim in API generation.
Noteworthy new API functions for the user’s convenience:
ansi-wl-pprint is used for pretty printing of various things now. Most notably, the error type has been changed from
. This is a breaking change, but it was kind of announced in the issues list. In any case, uses oferr
can be fixed by enabling theOverloadedStrings
extension. Other breakages have to be fixed by hand.
Documentation received some love.
A few renames of repurposed internals.
Debugging facilities for ghci have been added. Check out the
module! These few functions are very valuable to debug your code or even the code of nvim-hs itself. -
Startup code now has a special
environment which has access to some of the internals that may or may not be useful. This change allowed the ConfigHelper plugin to be included as a normal, separable plugin. Unfortunately, this potentially breaks the plugin startup code of some existing plugins. -
Neovim context is no longer a type synonym, but a newtype wrapper around the previous type synonym with an added
wrapper. The functions fromMonadReader
are now actually exported as those.As a consequence, some of your code may break if you lack some specific instances which were auto-derived before. Send a PR or open a ticket to resolve this.
Add handling for some kind of variadic arguments handling.
A command or function will be passed
as it’s last arguments if the argument type is wrapped inMaybe
and the invocation on the side of neovim did not pass those arguments.
Add handling for special command options
This breaks code that used
to export functionality. You should replace the options with a list ofCommandOptions
.An export like
$(command' foo) def { cmdSync = Async }
must be redefined to$(command' foo) [CmdSync Async]
- Usable prototype implementation