
CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware

Version on this page:0.7.2@rev:1
LTS Haskell 19.33:1.6.4
Stackage Nightly 2024-10-23:1.8.1@rev:3
Latest on Hackage:1.8.1@rev:3

See all snapshots clash-ghc appears in

BSD-2-Clause licensed by Christiaan Baaij
Maintained by Christiaan Baaij
This version can be pinned in stack with:clash-ghc-0.7.2@sha256:b232e11a60bb7d07d4df179f1f95e87b8584318ff7238634a57f37bc90fee4da,6144

Module documentation for 0.7.2

clash-ghc - Haskell/GHC front-end for the CλaSH compiler

  • See the LICENSE file for license and copyright details
  • Contains code from the GHC compiler, see the LICENSE_GHC file for license and copyright details pertaining to that code.

CλaSH - A functional hardware description language

CλaSH (pronounced ‘clash’) is a functional hardware description language that borrows both its syntax and semantics from the functional programming language Haskell. The CλaSH compiler transforms these high-level descriptions to low-level synthesizable VHDL, Verilog, or SystemVerilog.

Features of CλaSH:

  • Strongly typed (like VHDL), yet with a very high degree of type inference, enabling both safe and fast prototying using consise descriptions (like Verilog).

  • Interactive REPL: load your designs in an interpreter and easily test all your component without needing to setup a test bench.

  • Higher-order functions, with type inference, result in designs that are fully parametric by default.

  • Synchronous sequential circuit design based on streams of values, called Signals, lead to natural descriptions of feedback loops.

  • Support for multiple clock domains, with type safe clock domain crossing.


For updates and questions join the mailing list [email protected] or read the forum


Changelog for the clash-ghc package

0.7.2 April 25th 2017

  • New features:
    • Sum-of-product types: unused bits now “don’t-care” #212
  • Fixes bugs:
    • Eagerness bug in regEn #104 (Thanks to @cbiffle)

0.7.1 April 11th 2017

  • New features:
    • Support distribution of primitive templates with Cabal/Hackage packages commit
    • Find memory data files and primitive files relative to import dirs (-i<DIR>)
    • Add ‘clashi’ program and ‘clash-ghc’ package #208, thanks to @thoughtpolice
  • Fixes bugs:
    • case (EmptyCase ty) of ty' { ... } -> EmptyCase ty' #198
    • BitVector.split# apply the correct type arguments *January 17th 2017

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Include HsVersions.h in source distribution

0.7 January 16th 2017

  • New features:
    • Support for clash-prelude 0.11
    • Primitive templates can include QSys files
    • VHDL blackboxes: support additional libraries and uses keywords in generated VHDL
    • Highly limited Float/Double support (literals and Rational conversion), hidden behind the -clash-float-support flag.
  • Fixes bugs:
    • Reduce type families inside clock period calculation #180
    • Only output signed literals as hex when they’re multiple of 4 bits #187
    • Correctly print negative hex literals

0.6.24 *October 17th 20168

  • Call generatePrimMap after loadModules #175
  • Fixes bugs:
    • (System)Verilog: CLaSH.Sized.Vector.imap primitive gets indices in reverse order
    • Template Haskell splices are run twice
    • CLaSH errors out when observing the constructor for Signal #174

0.6.23 August 18th 2015

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Type families are not being reduced correctly #167
    • (System)Verilog: Fix primitives for {Signed,Unsigned} rotateL# and rotateR# #169

0.6.22 August 3rd 2016

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Bug in DEC transformation overwrites case-alternatives
    • Bug in DEC transformation creates non-representable let-binders
    • VHDL: Incorrect primitive for Integers ltInteger# and geInteger#
    • (System)Verilog: Fix primitive for CLaSH.Sized.Internal.Signed.mod# and GHC.Type.Integer.modInteger #164

0.6.21 July 19th 2016

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Rounding error in logBase calculation
    • VHDL: Incorrect primitive for Indexs *#
    • VHDL: Incorrect handling of Indexs fromInteger# and maxBound# primitives for values larger than 2^MACHINE_WIDTH

0.6.20 July 15th 2016

  • New features:
    • Better error location reporting
  • Fixes bugs:
    • CLaSH.Sized.Internal.Unsigned.maxBound# not evaluated at compile-time #155
    • CLaSH.Sized.Internal.Unsigned.minBound# not evaluated at compile-time #157
    • Values of type Index ‘n’, where ‘n’ > 2^MACHINE_WIDTH, incorrectly considered non-synthesisable due to overflow
    • VHDL: Types in generated types.vhdl incorrectly sorted
    • Casts of CLaSH numeric types result in incorrect VHDL/Verilog (Such casts are now reported as an error)

0.6.19 June 9th 2016

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Eq instance of Vec sometimes not synthesisable
    • VHDL: Converting product types to std_logic_vector fails when the clash-hdlsyn Vivado flag is enabled

0.6.18 June 7th 2016

  • New features:
    • DEC transformation also lifts HO-primitives applied to “interesting” primitives (i.e. zipWith (*))
    • New -clash-hdlsyn Xilinx flag to generate HDL tweaked for Xilinx synthesis tools (both ISE and Vivado)
  • Fixes bugs:
    • replicate unfolded incorrectly #150
    • imap is not unrolled #151
    • VHDL: Incorrect primitive specification for snatToInteger #149

0.6.17 April 7th 2016

  • New features:
    • Up to 2x reduced compilation times when working with large Vec literals
  • Fixes bugs:
    • VHDL: Incorrect primitives for BitVectors quot# and rem#
    • VHDL: Bit indexing and replacement primitives fail to synthesise in Synopsis tools
    • Bug in DEC transformation throws CLaSH into an endless loop #140
    • Missed constant folding opportunity results in an error #50

0.6.16 March 21st 2016

  • New features:
    • Also generate testbench for circuits without input ports #135
  • Fixes bugs:
    • clockWizard broken #49

0.6.15 March 15th 2016

  • Fixes bugs:
    • XST cannot finds “_types” package unless it is prefixed with “work.” #133

0.6.14 March 15th 2016

  • Fixes bugs:
    • XST cannot finds “_types” package unless it is prefixed with “work.” #133

0.6.13 March 14th 2016

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Not all lambda’s in a function position removed

0.6.12 March 14th 2016

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Not all lambda’s in a function position removed due to bad eta-expansion #132

0.6.11 March 11th 2016

  • New features:
    • Add support for HDL synthesis tool specific HDL generation:
      • New -clash-hdlsyn Vivado flag to generate HDL tweaked for Xilinx Vivado
    • Preserve more Haskell names in generated HDL #128
  • Fixes bugs:
    • VHDL: Vivado fails to infer block ram #127
      • Users must use the -clash-hdlsyn Vivado flag in order to generate Xilinx Vivado specific HDL for which Vivado can infer block RAM.

0.6.10 February 10th 2016

  • New features:
    • hdl files can be written to a directory (set by the -clash-hdldir flag) other than the current working directory #125. Also respects the -outputdir directory, unless:
      • -clash-hdldir is set to a different directory.
      • -hidir, -stubdir, and -dumbdir are not the same directory as -odir
  • Fixes bugs:
    • caseCon transformation does not work on non-exhaustive case-expressions #123
    • VHDL: insufficient type-qualifiers for concatenation operator #121
    • Primitive reductions don’t look through Signal #126

0.6.9 January 29th 2016

  • New features:

    • Support for Debug.Trace.trace, thanks to @ggreif
  • Fixes bugs:

    • case undefined of ... should reduce to undefined #116
    • VHDL/SystemVerilog: BlockRAM elements must be bit vectors #113
    • Type families obscure eligibility for synthesis #114

0.6.8 January 13th 2016

  • New features:
    • Support for Haskell’s: Char, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64.
    • Int/Word/Integer bitwidth for generated HDL is configurable using the -clash-intwidth=N flag, where N can be either 32 or 64.
  • Fixes bugs:
    • Cannot reduce case error ... of ... to error ... #109

0.6.7 December 21st 2015

  • Support for unbound-generics-0.3
  • New features:
    • Only look for ‘topEntity’ in the root module. #22
  • Fixes bugs:
    • Unhelpful error message when GHC is not in PATH #104

0.6.6 December 11th 2015

  • New features:
    • Remove all existing HDL files before generating new ones. This can be disabled by the -clash-noclean flag. #96
    • Support for clash-prelude 0.10.4

0.6.5 November 17th 2015

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Integer literals used as arguments not always properly annotated with their type.
    • Verilog: Name collision in verilog code #93
    • (System)Verilog: Integer literals missing “32’sd” prefix when used in assignments.
    • VHDL: Integer literals should only be capped to 32-bit when used in assignments.
    • Verilog: HO-primitives incorrect for nested vectors.

0.6.4 November 12th 2015

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Reversing alternatives is not meaning preserving for literal patterns #91
    • DEC: root of the case-tree must contain at least 2 alternatives #92
    • Do not generate overlapping literal patterns in VHDL #91

0.6.3 October 24th 2015

  • New features:
    • Improve DEC transformation: consider alternatives before the subject when checking for disjoint expressions.
  • Fixes bugs:
    • DEC: don’t generate single-branch case-expressions #90

0.6.2 October 21st 2015

  • New features:

    • Support clash-prelude 0.10.2
  • Fixes bugs:

    • CLaSH interpreter was reading ‘.ghci’ file instead of ‘.clashi’ file #87
    • DEC: Subject and alternatives are not disjoint #88

0.6.1 October 16th 2015

  • New features:

    • Support for clash-prelude 0.10.1

    • Transformation that lifts applications of the same function out of alternatives of case-statements. e.g.

      case x of
        A -> f 3 y
        B -> f x x
        C -> h x

      is transformed into:

      let f_arg0 = case x of {A -> 3; B -> x}
          f_arg1 = case x of {A -> y; B -> x}
          f_out  = f f_arg0 f_arg1
      in  case x of
            A -> f_out
            B -> f_out
            C -> h x
  • Fixes bugs:

    • clash won’t run when not compiled with usual ghc #82
    • Fail to generate VHDL with blockRamFile’ in clash-ghc 0.6 #85
    • Case-statements acting like normal decoder circuits are erroneously synthesised to priority decoder circuits.

0.6 October 3rd 2015

  • New features:
    • Support clash-prelude-0.10
    • Pattern matching on CLaSH.Sized.Vector’s :> is now supported
    • Unroll “definitions” of the following primitives: fold, dfold, foldr

0.5.15 September 21st 2015

  • New features:

    • Report simulation time in (System)Verilog assert messages
  • Fixes bugs:

    • Performance bug: top-level definitions of type “Signal” erroneously inlined.
    • Fix Index maxBound #79

0.5.14 September 14th 2015

  • New features:

    • Completely unroll “definitions” of some higher-order primitives with non-representable argument or result vectors: It is now possible to translate e.g. f xs ys = zipWith ($) (map (+) xs) ys :: Vec 4 Int -> Vec 4 Int -> Vec 4 Int
  • Fixes bugs:

    • Converting Bool to Unsigned generates broken VHDL #77
    • topLet transformation erroneously not performed in a top-down traversal
    • Specialisation limit unchecked on types and constants
    • Vector of functions cannot be translated #25
    • CLaSH fails to generate VHDL when map is applied #78

0.5.13 September 8th 2015

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Cannot translate GHC MachLabel literal
    • Maybe (Index n) not translatable to VHDL #75

0.5.12 September 7th 2015

  • New features:

    • Modest compilation time speed-up. Compilation time of the I2C module on my machine went down from 43s to 24s, and maximum memory usage went down from 840 MB to 700 MB.
  • Fixes bugs:

    • Bug in VHDL ROM generation #69
    • Clash running out of memory on Simple-ish project #70
    • Fix asyncRom VHDL primitive #71
    • Fix primitive for CLaSH.Sized.Internal.Signed.size# #72
    • rem and quot on Signed are broken #73

0.5.11 August 2nd 2015

  • New features:
    • Re-enable GHC’s strictness analysis pass, which improves dead-code removal, which hopefully leads to smaller circuits.

0.5.10 July 9th 2015

  • New features:
    • Use new VHDL backend which outputs VHDL-93 instead of VHDL-2002: generated VHDL is now accepted by a larger number of tools.
    • Treat all so-called bottom values (error "FOO", let x = x in x, etc.) occuring in installed libraries as undefined. Before, there were (very) rare situations where we couldn’t find the expressions belonging to a function and demanded a BlackBox, even though we knew the expression would be a bottom value. Now, we stop demanding a BlackBox for such a function and simply treat it as undefined, thus allowing a greater range of circuit descriptions that we can compile.

0.5.9 June 26th 2015

  • New features:

    • Use new verilog backend which outputs Verilog-2001 instead of Verilog-2005: generated Verilog is now accepted by Altera/Quartus
  • Fixes bugs:

    • --systemverilog switch incorrectly generates verilog code instead of systemverilog code

0.5.8 June 25th 2015

  • New features:
    • Support for copying string literals from Haskell to generated code
    • Support clash-prelude-0.9
    • Size at below which functions are always inlined is configurable, run with -clash-inline-below=N to set the size limit to N

0.5.7 June 3rd 2015

  • New features:
    • New Verilog backend, run :verilog in interactive mode, or --verilog for batch mode
    • Generated component names are prefixed by the name of the module containing the topEntity

0.5.6 May 18th 2015

  • New features:

    • Inlining limit is configurable, run with -clash-inline-limit=N to set the inlining limit to N
    • Specialisation limit is configurable, run with clash-spec-limit=N to set the inline limit to N
    • Debug level is configurable, run with -clash-debug <LEVEL> where <LEVEL> can be: DebugNone, DebugFinal, DebugName, DebugApplied, DebugAll. Be default, clash runs with DebugNone.
  • Fixes bugs:

    • Extend evaluator for GHC.Integer.Type.minusInteger and CLaSH.Promoted.Nat.SNat.

0.5.5 May 5th 2015

  • New features:
    • TopEntity wrappers are now specified as ANN annotation pragmas #42

0.5.4 May 1st 2015

  • New features:
    • Generate wrappers around topEntity that have constant names and types

0.5.3 April 24th 2015

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Fix bug where not enough array type definitions were created by the VHDL backend

0.5.2 April 21st 2015

  • Use latest ghc-typelits-natnormalise

0.5.1 April 20th 2015

0.5 March 11th 2015

  • New features:
    • SystemVerilog backend. #45

0.4.1 February 4th 2015

  • Include bug fixes from clash-lib 0.4.1

0.4 November 17th 2014

  • New features:

    • Support for clash-prelude 0.6
  • Fixes bugs:

    • clash-ghc ignores “-package-db” flag #35

0.3.3 August 12th 2014

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Compile with GHC 7.8.3 #31

0.3.2 June 5th 2014

  • Fixes bugs:
    • Type synonym improperly expanded #17
    • BlackBox for Signed maxBound and minBound generate incorrect VHDL. #19
    • Generate failure code in the VHDL for recSelError #23

0.3.1 May 15th 2014

  • New features:

    • Hardcode fromInteger for Signed and Unsigned #9
    • Better blackbox operation for vindex #12
    • Replace VHDL default hole by error hole #13
  • Fixes bugs:

    • Update GHC2Core.hs #1
    • primitives (clash.sized.vector) #2
    • Type families are not expanded #3
    • Incorrect vhdl generation for default value in blackbox #6
    • Missing begin keyword in Signed/Unsigned JSON files #16