Announce: Stackage LTS 12 with ghc-8.4.3

By Dan Burton, 6 years ago

We are pleased to announce the release of lts-12.0, the first in a new LTS Haskell snapshot series, using ghc-8.4.3. (See: changes from lts-11.17.) We thank all of the package authors involved in supporting the Haskell ecosystem. LTS Haskell would not be possible without you!

To add your package to future snapshots in the LTS 12 series, please open a new issue on commercialhaskell/lts-haskell.

As per our usual LTS release procedure, we have lifted many constraints from the Stackage nightly build plan. Various packages were removed in order to accomplish this, and package authors should have been notified on the corresponding github issues. To add (or restore) your package to the Stackage nightly builds, see on the stackage repo.

It is uncertain at this time whether LTS 13 (anticipated to release in 3 to 5 months) will use ghc-8.4 or ghc 8.6. We encourage package authors to make use of the ghc alpha and rc releases in order to test their packages and speed up the adoption of new ghc versions.
