LTS 21 release for ghc-9.4 and Nightly now on ghc-9.6

By Jens Petersen and Andreas Ländle, 10 months ago

Stackage LTS 21 has been released

The Stackage team is very happy to announce the first Stackage LTS version 21 snapshot has been released this week, based on GHC stable version 9.4.5.

LTS 21 includes many package changes, and again has over 3000 packages! Thank you for all the nightly contributions that made this possible. (By the way lts-21.0 is basically identical to nightly-2023-06-20.)

If your package is missing from LTS 21 and builds there, you can easily request to have it added using our straightforward process: just open a github issue in the lts-haskell project and following the simple steps in the template.

Stackage Nightly updated to ghc-9.6.2

At the same time we are also excited to have moved Stackage Nightly to GHC 9.6.2: the initial snapshot being nightly-2023-06-22. Current nightly has over 2470 packages, but we expect that number to continue to grow over the coming days, weeks, and months: we very much welcome your contributions and help with that.

Apart from the usual bounds issues (we dropped nearly all our blocking upperbounds on packages), the main breakage reasons for disabling packages relative to lts-21 were:

  • mtl-2.3 no longer re-exporting from Control.Monad etc
  • optparse-applicative-0.18 changes to help prettyprinting exports
  • unix-2.8 changing the API of openFd.

Thank you to all those who have already done work updating their packages to ghc-9.6.

Adding or enabling your package for Nightly is just a simple pull request to a large yaml file.

Happy Stackage building!
