Upcoming stackage LTS 15 snapshot with ghc-8.8.2

By Mihai Maruseac, 5 years ago

The stackage curator team has started preparations for an LTS major bump which will include ghc-8.8.2.

In addition to allowing new, breaking changes of packages into an LTS release, this LTS 15 will [discontinue the legacy format for snapshots] (https://www.stackage.org/blog/2020/02/discontinuing-legacy-snapshots).

To give everyone some time to prepare, we are announcing the planned release date as approximately one week from the date of this post.

Getting your package into the nightly snapshot will ensure its inclusion in LTS 15 as well. To add your package, please submit a PR to commercialhaskell/stackage. To add your package to LTS 15 after it’s released, please open a new issue on commercialhaskell/lts-haskell. Please feel free to contact the stackage curators with any questions you may have via the stackage mailing list, or the stackage gitter chat.

For more insight into how stackage curators handle these sorts of things, see: the LTS major bump process.
