LTS 19 release and Nightly on ghc-9.2

By Jens Petersen, 3 years ago

The Stackage team is very happy to announce the initial Stackage LTS version 19 snapshot release is now available, based on GHC version 9.0.2. This release is significant for several reasons:

  • not only is it the first stable LTS release based on ghc9,
  • it also includes many significant upgrades, including aeson-2.0 with improved security, and
  • it is also the largest stable LTS release we have ever done: just 1 short of 2900 packages!

Of course it is still possible to get your package added to lts-19, if it builds with lts19 and you missed to get it into Nightly in time for the initial lts-19.0 build: using our straightforward process - just open a github issue in the lts-haskell project and following the template there.

Thank you to the great Haskell community for all the many contributions you are making - do keep them coming!

At the same time we are also excited to move Nightly now to GHC 9.2.2 - enjoy! Apparently there will be a 9.2.3 bugfix release coming, so we will update Nightly to that after it is released.

Quite a number of Nightly packages had to be disabled as part of the upgrade to 9.2. This is being tracked in if you find your package listed there, you can help to update it to build with ghc-9.2 and Stackage Nightly, thank you!

Help us make the next LTS 20 an even bigger and better release!
