This is the main package for Yesod, providing all core functionality on which
other packages can be built. It provides dispatch, handler functions, widgets,
Modify languages so that, if you previously called setLanguage, the newly
set language will be reflected.
Add instance of MonadHandler and MonadWidget for ExceptT #1278
cached and cachedBy will not overwrite global state changes #1268
Don’t allow sending multiple cookies with the same name to the client, in accordance with RFC 6265. This fixes an issue where multiple CSRF tokens were sent to the client. #1258
Default CSRF tokens to the root path “/”, fixing an issue where multiple tokens were stored in cookies, and using the wrong one led to CSRF errors #1248
urlParamRenderOverride method for Yesod class #1257
Add laxSameSiteSessions and strictSameSiteSessions #1226
Proper handling of impure exceptions within HandlerError values
Add hook to apply arbitrary function to all handlers #1122
Add getApprootText
Add guessApproot and guessApprootOr
bugfix neverExpires leaked threads
mkYesod avoids using reify when it isn’t necessary. This avoids needing to define the site type below the call to mkYesod.
Add CSRF protection functions and middleware based on HTTP cookies and headers #1017
Add mkYesodWith, which allows creating sites with polymorphic type parameters #1055
Do not define the site type below a call to mkYesod (or any variant), as it will be required at splicing time for reification.
This was allowed before because reification was not in use. Reification was introduced to allow parametrized types to be used
by mkYesod (and variants), with potentially polymorphic variables.